Nancy Olson credited as playing...
Nancy Furman
- Nancy Furman: Miss Pollyanna?
- Pollyanna: Yes? Aunt Polly?
- Nancy Furman: No, I'm Nancy. I work for your aunt and I came here to fetch you.
- Pollyanna: Oh. How do you do?
- Nancy Furman: This is Thomas, the gardener.
- Pollyanna: How do you do?
- Mr. Thomas: Hello, young lady.
- Nancy Furman: Oh, Thomas will take your luggage for you. Put it in the back seat. Oh, good afternoon, Mrs. Tarbell.
- Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: Is that Jenny Harrington's child?
- Nancy Furman: Yes, it is.
- Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: Doesn't look a thing like any of the Harringtons. What's your name, girl?
- [Pollyanna says nothing]
- Nancy Furman: Speak up!
- Pollyanna: Pollyanna Whittier, mam.
- Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: You're a very fortunate little girl. Most children who have lost their parents would be sent to an orphange.
- [Pollyanna looks away]
- Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: You know that, don't you?
- Pollyanna: Yes, mam.
- Mrs. Amelia Tarbell: Thank your lucky stars for a good woman such as your aunt taking you in.
- Pollyanna: I'm sorry about the dress, Aunt Polly. My father said it was a size too big, but that I should be glad it wasn't a pair of boy's trousers.
- Aunt Polly: Well, that's hardly anything to be glad about.
- Pollyanna: Well, my father always used to say...
- Aunt Polly: Yes, well, never mind what your father used to say. Pollyanna, this is going to be your new home now, and I hope you'll be very happy with me. Nancy will show you to your room.
- Pollyanna: I'm very glad you sent for me, Aunt Polly. Your home is very lovely.
- Aunt Polly: Thank you.
- Pollyanna: It must make you awfully glad.
- Aunt Polly: Glad?
- Pollyanna: That you're so very rich!
- [Reverend Ford starts to cough. Nancy takes Pollyanna out of the room]
- Nancy Furman: Honestly!
- Pollyanna: Did I say something wrong?
- Nancy Furman: Well, let's just say there are about sixty-eleven things you could've said besides that!
- Nancy Furman: Oh Pollyanna, will you please get into the car? We've simply got to get home!
- George Dodds: In a rush?
- [George grabs Nancy and kisses her. Nancy pushes him away]
- Nancy Furman: Oh! George, stop it! Oh, Pollyanna, you don't know my cousin Fred, do you?
- George Dodds: Your cousin Fred?
- Nancy Furman: This is Miss Harrington's niece.
- [pointedly]
- Nancy Furman: The one who's come to live with her!
- George Dodds: [realizing] Oh! Oh, that one! Well, hello, Pollyanna, how are you?
- Pollyanna: Fine, thank you.
- George Dodds: Well, how 'bout this? Running into you after... what's it been, six years? Say, how's your ma and pa?
- Nancy Furman: Why, they're just fine.
- George Dodds: You know, Pollyanna, I don't take too much to relatives, but this girl was always just like a sister to me. I tell you, I love, love this cousin.
- [he kisses Nancy again]
- Nancy Furman: Will you cut it out?
- George Dodds: How'd you like to go down the street and get a great big dish of ice cream, my treat? Oh, no, that's a rotten idea. She probably hates the stuff.
- Nancy Furman: Probably.
- Pollyanna: Who, me? Oh, no, I love it!
- George Dodds: No kidding? How'd you ever develop a taste for that awful stuff?
- Pollyanna: Oh, no, really! I really do love it!
- George Dodds: I know the perfect place. Come on, girls, follow old Cousin Fred to the land of strawberry frappe. Unless you'd rather go down the street and have a beer?
- Pollyanna: You're funny.
- Pollyanna: [petting her aunt's dog] Hello! What's his name, please?
- Nancy Furman: *His* name happens to be Elizabeth!
- Pollyanna: Oh, you're a girl! You're lovely.
- Nancy Furman: Leave her alone and come along.
- Pollyanna: How - how do I address you, please?
- Nancy Furman: Just call me Nancy, same as everyone else.
- Nancy Furman: I think it might be better if you didn't mention the ice cream to your aunt.
- Pollyanna: My father taught me never to tell a lie.
- Nancy Furman: Oh, Pollyanna, it wouldn't be telling a lie. But there's no reason to bring up the subject if it isn't mentioned. About Cousin Fred, I mean.
- Pollyanna: I like your Cousin Fred. Very much.
- Nancy Furman: Oh, he's all right, I guess.
- Pollyanna: He's very handsome, and he has a nice smile. But there's something... I don't know... funny about him.
- Nancy Furman: [suddenly defensive] What do you mean, funny?
- Pollyanna: I know what it is! It's his name. He doesn't look at all like a Fred!
- Nancy Furman: What?
- Pollyanna: He looks more like a George to me!
- Pollyanna: Nancy, you know that man?
- Nancy Furman: What man?
- Pollyanna: The man at the train station. The one who was just here. Well, what was he to Aunt Polly?
- Nancy Furman: Oh. You might say they used to be friends. Sort of.
- Pollyanna: Do you think he's gonna marry Aunt Polly?
- Tillie Lagerlof: Who's gonna marry her?
- Nancy Furman: She means Dr. Chilton.
- Angelica: Fat chance of that! Who'd want to marry old pickle-faced Harrington?
- Pollyanna: Nancy, are you and George gonna get married?
- Nancy Furman: We hope to, someday.
- Pollyanna: Oh, I am glad. I think everyone should be married. And maybe, when you do get married, Aunt Polly will see how happy it makes you, she'll be very glad to get married herself, then.
- Angelica: Glad this, glad that. Do you have to be glad about everything? What's the matter with you, anyway?
- Nancy Furman: Oh, lay off her, Angie. She's not hurting you.
- Angelica: The way she goes on...
- Tillie Lagerlof: That's enough! You heard her. Stop picking on the girl. Take that sherbert out and serve it the way you should.
- Aunt Polly: Nancy, I thought I made myself clear about gentlemen callers.
- Nancy Furman: Mam?
- Aunt Polly: Don't pretend you don't understand me. I saw you and George Dodds out in the summer house.
- Nancy Furman: George has been every inch a gentleman with me!
- Aunt Polly: We won't discuss it! If you want to remain on my staff, I don't want you to see him any longer.
- Angelica: If you ask me, Reverend Ford should've taken sides with Mayor Warren. He had the chance, and what did he do? Said he never takes sides in these matters.
- Tillie Lagerlof: Oh, stop sticking your nose into their business and get this sherbert out there!
- Angelica: We're out of spoons.
- Tillie Lagerlof: Well, wash some up! Don't stand there belly-achin' to me about it!
- Angelica: You're in a fine mood, aren't you?
- Nancy Furman: Pollyanna, I thought you could use this for your room.
- Pollyanna: Oh, thank you, Nancy! Oh, it's gorgeous!
- Nancy Furman: Well, thanks for not spilling the beans about you-know-who.
- Pollyanna: About Cousin Fred, you mean?
- Nancy Furman: Mm-hm. Isn't he handsome?
- Pollyanna: I knew it all the time!
- Nancy Furman: You did? How did you know?
- Pollyanna: Oh, sure, it was easy. I saw you holding hands under the t...
- Tillie Lagerlof: If you two ladies have got nothing better to do than sit there gosippin' and snickerin'...
- Nancy Furman: Oh, we're just talking, Tillie!
- Tillie Lagerlof: Well, talk on your own time. This sherbert is turning to mush.