This post-war Japanese film essentially revolves around a young man by the name of "Jiro Sugita" (Tamio Kawaji) who lives alone with his mother and hangs out with his friends who have formed a street gang of sorts. Within this gang is a girl named "Toshimi Tani" (Yoshiko Nezu) who is quite smitten with Jiro and believes that the reason he doesn't return her affection is due to his overall shyness-and this only increases her resolve to be with him even more. What she doesn't know is that Jiro is insanely troubled by the fact that his mother has been having an affair for ten years with a married man named "Keigo Nanbara" (Shinsuke Ashida) who also loves her but cannot bring himself to file for a divorce from his wife. As a result Jiro harbors an extreme disdain for all women and treats them accordingly. So when Toshimi finally breaks the ice with him and they end up sleeping together she isn't quite prepared for what happens afterward. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this coming-of-age film had more than its fair share of personal dramas involving a number of other characters than those just mentioned. It also consisted of some overly-dramatic acting that is uniquely typical for many Japanese films of this type as well. That being said, while it may not appeal to all audiences, it wasn't too bad for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.