Paula Prentiss credited as playing...
Tuggle Carpenter
- Tuggle Carpenter: Girls like me weren't built to be educated. We were made to have children. That's my ambition: to be a walking, talking baby factory. Legal, of course. And with union labor.
- TV Thompson: Tuggle, are you a good girl?
- Tuggle Carpenter: Please, I don't want to disillusion you or disappoint you.
- TV Thompson: No, no, no, no. I won't be disillusioned or disappointed. Are you a good girl, Tuggle?
- Tuggle Carpenter: [reluctantly] Ummhmm.
- TV Thompson: [disillusioned and disappointed] Oh...
- Tuggle Carpenter: [leaving] I knew it.
- Tuggle Carpenter: I made a vow on the way down here. I promised myself I'd try for a man the chaste way. And, so help me, I'll keep it if I have to drop in with the local blacksmith and buy a belt!
- Merritt Andrews: How are things going with you two?
- Tuggle Carpenter: Oh, about the same. He hints what he wants. I hint about matrimony. And while each of us are hinting, the other isn't listening. He certainly is persistent, though. He keeps knocking on the door. It's just a question about how long I can keep it locked.
- Tuggle Carpenter: Two days left. If he doesn't say something about something tonight, I think I'll clobber him.
- TV Thompson: [drunkenly] All right, now take sex...
- Tuggle Carpenter: You're always taking sex. I wish you'd take something else for a change.
- TV Thompson: What lungs. Get those lungs.
- Tuggle Carpenter: It hasn't anything to do with her lungs. She's got a little hose down there she breathes through. You see?
- TV Thompson: What lungs.
- TV Thompson: Tuggle, suppose I give you a bang on the pipes and we lift a few cans together?
- Tuggle Carpenter: Could you translate that?
- TV Thompson: Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow and we'll have a couple of beers.
- Tuggle Carpenter: [stands up] Five feet, ten and a half.
- TV Thompson: Without heels?
- Tuggle Carpenter: Without stockings.
- TV Thompson: That's a lotta girl, Tuggle. A lotta - nice girl.
- TV Thompson: That's the trouble with the world today. We don't communicate with each other.
- Tuggle Carpenter: Yeah.
- TV Thompson: Now, take sex...
- Tuggle Carpenter: What?
- TV Thompson: I said, take sex! Now, sex is the most...
- Tuggle Carpenter: Excuse me, could I please have some more potato chips?
- TV Thompson: Sure. Sex to most people is a sort of a...
- Tuggle Carpenter: Which reminds - why do they call you TV?
- TV Thompson: I'm going into television. They hung it on me at school. Now, take sex!
- Tuggle Carpenter: I think that's interesting.
- TV Thompson: Oh, of course it is.
- Tuggle Carpenter: Television, I mean.
- TV Thompson: I was talking about sex.
- TV Thompson: In the final analysis, everything comes down to sex. Like I was saying, take sex...
- Tuggle Carpenter: I think we ought to take a walk!
- Angie: What is it between you and that TV character? A potato chip orgy everyday?
- Tuggle Carpenter: Not everyday, no. Sometimes we buy pretzels.
- Basil: Date me, tonight, Baby Ruth.
- Merritt Andrews: Booked.
- Basil: Date me, tonight, Big Girl.
- Tuggle Carpenter: I gotta date.
- [Basil looks at Angie, says nothing]
- Angie: Well, let's not be insulting.
- Basil: Date me, tonight, Short One.
- Angie: [smiles] What time?
- Police Captain: [over police radio] Car 19... Student in pajamas directing traffic.
- Tuggle Carpenter: [points to TV's radio] What's that?
- TV Thompson: Police calls! I like to keep track of my friends.
- Tuggle Carpenter: Hey, Mel, hey, you talk to her during class. Which class is it?
- Melanie Tolman: Courtship and Marriage.
- Tuggle Carpenter: Oh, the birds and the bees, you'll have the whole hour. Now, lay it on thick!
- Angie: Why don't we all admit it?
- Tuggle Carpenter: Admit what?
- Angie: We're going to Lauderdale for one reason: to meet boys!
- [trying to get the drunk Melanie to go to bed]
- Merritt Andrews: Come on. We can talk about it tomorrow.
- Melanie Tolman: [drunk] I wanna talk now!
- Tuggle Carpenter: Beddy bye for you.
- Melanie Tolman: [stands up] I wanna talk all about me and Franklyn... and life and love...
- Tuggle Carpenter: [to Melanie] What do you think?
- Merritt Andrews: Oh, definitely!
- [both Merritt and Tuggle drag Melanie from the bed into the bathroom and they forcibly place her head under the shower spray to sober her out]
- Basil: No, no, no.. please, please... We do not want applause. Let's keep things as un-frantic and cerebral as possible. If you have any questions, ask them during the break. The selection you just heard was The Nuclear Love Song, composed by our percussionist. Next is an original of my own, written for guitar and flute, entitled, A meeting between Shakespeare and Sachil Page on Hamstead Heath. Well, now, aren't we wonderful. Are we the greatest you ever heard? Compliment me.
- Merritt Andrews: Well, you're different.
- Basil: Dialectic jazz is not only different, it's profound. Beer for everybody. Let me know when that's gone.
- Angie: Angie : What's dialectic jazz? I don't dig dialectic? What's the scene?
- Basil: Short girl, don't ever use jive talk in my presence. If you want to speak to me, keep it civilian. No! No minor 7th there.
- Guitar Player: It's more emergent, less eruptive.
- Basil: Its offensive in that Sound Plane. My boys are tired... Five days coming down here. Six Concerts every day since we left school.
- Tuggle Carpenter: Six a day? No wonder you're loaded.
- Basil: Well, we did not earn this money. We never accept money. As a matter of fact, we pay the audience.
- Tuggle Carpenter: Tuggles: Huh?
- Basil: Well, usually in Beers. That way we're never indebted to anyone. We can play what we want. Not what everybody else wants us to. We're incorrupt. Like athletes, however, we sometimes become a little too finely trained... and we need to reestablish social contact with our public...