Accattone (1961)
Franco Citti: Accattone
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Call me Accattone. There are lots of Vittorios but I'm the only Accattone.
Kid standing on riverbank : Aren't you going to take off your gold chain and bracelets?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : No, I want to die wearing my gold like the pharoahs.
Kid standing on riverbank : Give it to us!
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : No - if you want gold you have to swim for it.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : [to dog] You're lucky, you can eat bones.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : What's hunger? A vice - its all in the mind. If they hadn't got used to eating as children... did your lousy father fill you with the vice of eating?
Franco : Do you remember when we stole from a blind man to get food.
Pio : And do you remember when we stole your father's false teeth
Stella : So, get a job.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : What, donating blood. No-one drinks my blood. Work. Animals work.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Either the world kills me or I kill it.
Cartagine : Accattone, how are you?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : [Dying] Now I'm fine.
Franco : Tell me your last wishes, what sort of funeral procession?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Friends follow the hearse, first one to weep buys the drinks.
Franco : What inscription on the tombstone?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Try it and See!
Stella : Why do you love me?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Firstly because I like you. Second because you seem so strange, so unprotected.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : I've got plenty of people left to make cry.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : I know what has to be done in Italy. Lincoln freed the slaves... but our rulers caused slavery. With a tommy gun in my hand there'd be few left!
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Do I need a permit to talk to you?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : What should I have? See what I'm reduced to? I disgust myself. Do yo uknow what I was before I met you? I had a car, money, all I wanted. A gold chain, a gold watch, I was all gold.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : There are 2 possibilities. Either I've gone mad or my brain's back.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Were you there when he made the bet with German and Crazy People. Did he say he'd eat a kilo of potatoes and a whole cheese then swim and nothing would happen?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : So he didn't die of indigestion, he died of exhaustion.
Franco : Don't you know you can't swim after a meal, you die. The change from hot to cold stops your digestion.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : I've lost all my money but I've still got a ring to bet. Scared to bet?
Franco : I'll take you on, I want to kill you off.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Not even the river can stop Accattone!
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : We're all washed-up and everybody avoids us. If we've money we're alright, if not we're nothing. We're finished because we're incapable of making it on our own. Today its better to be a thief than follow this despicable trade.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : You needn't think you're staying home and not working tonight. Your not on social security you know.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : You've ruined me. Otherwise I'd be a good worker, or a good thief.
The German : Accattone you look worn-out.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Not at all. I'm a free citizen. My woman never came home last night. Someone nobbled her leg. I want to die.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Documents. Who carries documents - I remember my name.
Balilla : The cemetary's over there.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Give it my love.
Balilla : Long live us thieves! We stretch out our hand and always get something.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Yes, a jail sentence.
Balilla : We're born with a vocation. I was born with the instinct to thieve. You weren't born with the instinct of a pim so you're a beggar.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : You want to pick a fight? Go and get killed somewhere else. I did alright.
Balilla : Go back to thieving, there's no unemployment for thieves.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Where's my good wife?
Papo Hirmedo : Earning bread for her children. The less she sees of you the better.
Lady at work : We've been working since 6 o'clock this morning.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : These rotten things can happen.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Its hard work?
Stella : Its a question of habit, if you need something you have to work.
Stella : Are you hungry?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : No, ravenous.
Stella : Well, noon, time to eat.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : You seem so nice, so young, so good and kind. I don't know how to put this. Are you from Rome?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : You're lucky you don't understand.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Don't start acting a tragedy.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Aren't you cute. The peasants are revolting.
Sabino : It is rumoured you haven't eaten for 2 days.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : If I spew over you, you could eat for a week.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : We shall have some price left. Lets go and leave our pasta as an act of charity.
Gennarino : Pride! Pride in taking money from fallen women. Even in jail everyone despises the pimps.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : If I get nothing because of you, you'd better run.
Stella : [Looking at prostitutes] What are those girls doing?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Making money.
Stella : What do they do?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : What all other women do.
Amore : You don't care about her. I do alright because I've got nobody.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Can't you talk of anything else?
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Look at him, getting her off for work. The dirty peasant.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Do you mind us walking like this? Do you know I love you? I act fast when someone deserves it, like you.
Stella : I want to make a speech.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Mussolini made speeches.
Stella : This is serious, I want you to know everything about me.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : Up yours and anyone else who's against me.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : I thought you were different. I've never been mistaken before in my life.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : The important thing is that we love each other. One day that will be all. Madonna make me a saint, I've already done my pennance.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : You still got some masala? Happy days.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : To tell the truth, Stella's found a roof. The first step has been taken.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : [singing] Just give me the will to work. Work for me dad, I'd rather shirk.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : I thought work might be a pleasure... I'm not doing any more, its killing me!
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : You make me sick you dirty pimps.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : How prosaic.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : I haven't a lira, yesterday I even tried going to work.
Balilla : What a disgrace.
Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi : He who trusts in providence will never starve. Stella was right. My poor Stella.