4 reviews
This movie shows what it takes to trick a country into going to war. The mindset of those carrying out the operation is shown. This feels almost like a documentary. Lots of closeups that foreshadow the techniques of Sergio Leone. At times it moves quite fast and conveys the speed of the whole operation. At one time it moves at a pace to give the feeling of the waiting and tension that the operation itself produces. This movie would be perfect to see with DOWNFALL. The beginning and the end of the second world war,perfect bookends to all of the movies depicting World War II. This movie teaches lessons that are as full of meaning for today and the world situation.
I had no idea this film dated from 1961 as I watched it, mesmerized, last night. It is so well produced, written and acted that I thought it must have been one of the recent German films about WWII, like Der Untergang and Stalingrad and Das Boot. I believed the black and white film -- virtually perfect in the DVD transfer I saw -- was there only for the verisimilitude it offered.
The acting is convincing. The music is disturbing -- modern, yet "classical" to the point of being ageless.
One very minor quibble: In the version I saw, a line about the arms the soldiers will carry on their mission is badly translated/subtitled. It comes out something like "8mm pistols and .98 calibre rifles." The ".98 calibre rifles" should have been the Gewehr 98K ("K" for Karbiner, or carbine). Like I said -- minor!
One caveat: as it was produced for the East German market -- in the year before the Berlin wall went up -- there may be Soviet influences on the film that I didn't pick up on -- believing as I did that this was a post-Cold War film. If the same film were to be made today, in a reunified Germany, there might be thematic differences, but I think they'd be rather minor.
Highly recommended as both a history lesson and as a film.
The acting is convincing. The music is disturbing -- modern, yet "classical" to the point of being ageless.
One very minor quibble: In the version I saw, a line about the arms the soldiers will carry on their mission is badly translated/subtitled. It comes out something like "8mm pistols and .98 calibre rifles." The ".98 calibre rifles" should have been the Gewehr 98K ("K" for Karbiner, or carbine). Like I said -- minor!
One caveat: as it was produced for the East German market -- in the year before the Berlin wall went up -- there may be Soviet influences on the film that I didn't pick up on -- believing as I did that this was a post-Cold War film. If the same film were to be made today, in a reunified Germany, there might be thematic differences, but I think they'd be rather minor.
Highly recommended as both a history lesson and as a film.
- Horst_In_Translation
- Jun 12, 2016
- Permalink
The Left Elboe Index considers seven variables--acting, production sets, plot, character development, dialogue, artistry, and continuity--- to measure a film on a scale of 10 (high) to 1 (low). As far as acting goes, there seem to be too many clichés and exaggerations to contribute drama to a historically dramatic event. If anything, it appears that weak acting makes the history less dramatic, thereby earning a rating of 2. Except for the "staight-line" scenes, there seems to be little upon which to measure the production sets, probably because many of the scenes are period newsreels, even to the extent of employing what appears to be something akin to an autobahn promo (another rating of 2). The plot rates a 1, mostly because the end is known and not much else can be done. Character development appears weakened by the stereotypical characters, some of whom seem exaggerated beyond reason. With so many forgettable characters, a rating of 2 seems fair. Artistry gets the highest rank of 4, based almost entirely on the ironic use of music. Continuity also rates a 4 since the docudrama tone is maintained, with occasional weak spots like the soldiers singing on a supply train as it speed through a crossing. This movie was produced in 1961, in the same period as very good films DR. STRANGELOVE and THE LORD OF THE FLIES, two movies that stunned audiences with their powerful drama. In my opinion this film does not measure up to those. In fact, it seems much like the last feature of a three movie night at the local drive-in. Just turn off the sound, cuddle up, and have a real excuse for getting home late. The best the Left Elbow Index can give is a 3.14. Pass the popcorn.