Robert Mitchum credited as playing...
Archie Hall
- Archie Hall: ...The point I'm trying to make is about the handicap I'm under in my relation to girls.
- Cindy Hamilton: What handicap?
- Archie Hall: My natural honesty, my basic decency, my over-developed sense of what is right and what's wrong.
- Cindy Hamilton: I could see where those things would be a handicap. I mean, even if you can't lie to a girl... even just a little?
- Archie Hall: ...What were we talking about?
- Cindy Hamilton: Will I see you tomorrow?
- Archie Hall: Well, of course, like any soldier, I have my duties to perform.
- Cindy Hamilton: Shall I pick you up here or in town?
- Archie Hall: Here, if you don't mind. That bus ride into town is strictly for the rookies.
- William 'Bill' Bowers: No luck huh?
- Archie Hall: Oh this goes way, way beyond luck, buddy. I think we may have finally reached the point where we're operating in the realm of the supernatural.
- Pvt. Russell Drexler: And maybe you haven't given any thought to how much you are a sitting duck in one of those things.
- Archie Hall: Aw, now, what is a sitting duck but a duck that just happens to be sitting?
- Pvt. Sam Beacham: [Sarcastically] "What is a DEAD duck but a duck that just happens to be DEAD?"
- Archie Hall: Were you as shocked as I was about the fuss all those guys put up about us getting passes?
- William 'Bill' Bowers: It wasn't that so much as it was that we were the only two in our barracks not on that KP list. Several of them were muttering something about "those two no-good duty sergeant-bribing gold-bricks who better not show their faces around there again."
- Archie Hall: Well, what makes them think it's such a treat for US to show THEM our faces?
- Archie Hall: [Opening a door in her face] Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Willoughby. Did I hurt you?
- Miss Willoughby: ...Yes, you did.
- Peggy Kramer: Why didn't you call Cindy, Arch? You weren't too nice to her this afternoon.
- Archie Hall: That's funny; I didn't think she was being very nice to me.
- Peggy Kramer: C'mon, now. She's been out with you every night for weeks, and just because she had something she had to do one night...
- William 'Bill' Bowers: WHAT did she have to do?
- Peggy Kramer: [Oriental music softly in the background] She had to meet with some other Japanese spies to complete their plans for blowing up the Grand Canyon, Bill.