Catherine Lutz credited as playing...
- Roland Cassard: I'm leaving. I saw a Gary Cooper movie this afternoon. It was a beautiful place. The people seemed happy.
- Claire, the bar owner: Where?
- Roland Cassard: At the Katorza.
- Claire, the bar owner: I meant what country.
- Roland Cassard: Matareva, a Pacific island near Tahiti.
- Claire, the bar owner: It's always beautiful in the movies.
- Roland Cassard: We don't know how to live here anymore. Me with my boss, you with your drunks.
- Claire, the bar owner: You know how to live?
- Roland Cassard: I figure I'll learn.
- Claire, the bar owner: By traveling?
- Roland Cassard: To each his own, but for me, it's the only cure.
- Claire, the bar owner: For what?
- Roland Cassard: Boredom.