Vincent Price credited as playing...
- Prudent: You, sir, are mad! Quite, quite mad!
- Robur: How like the reasoning of your kind, Mr. Prudent. All well and sane to be the owner of factories, that products of which cause the violent deaths of millions in wartime and in peace. But to kill hundreds or even thousands with the aim of ending such deaths for all time? This is "madness."
- Prudent: And do you, sir, consider the man who makes a weapon responsible for the action of the man who buys it?
- Robur: Yes, I do, sir! All men are responsible to all other men.
- Robur: You're an intelligent man, Mr. Strock. Surely you must appreciate my ultimate objective.
- John Strock: I would also have to believe in your method of achieving this objective. I don't.
- Robur: What alternate method is there that would not require centuries more of violence and bloodshed? No. It is too long to wait. With courage and daring, worldwide peace can be achieved now.
- John Strock: Not with my help, Mr. Robur.
- Prudent: [debating with Robur over dinner] And you expect us to believe, sir, that because you gave that ship warning, that your actions of this afternoon were justifiable?
- Robur: I expect nothing, sir.
- Prudent: What you did was an act of pure barbarism, and were it not for the love I bear my daughter, and for the respect and esteem in which I hold Mr. Evans and Mr. Strock, I would rather the four of us perish in the sea than that this hell ship be preserved for the commission of further atrocities.
- Robur: Was it not an atrocity that that warship was built for the sole purpose of destruction?
- Prudent: And do you consider yourself, sir, a government unto yourself, that you can condemn other nations and wantonly declare war upon them?
- Robur: [rising angrily] I am a man unto myself, Mr. Prudent, who has declared war against war! That is my purpose, sir! The purpose for which this ship was built! To end for all time the scourge of warfare!
- John Strock: How do you propose to do that, sir?
- Robur: By using the threat of invincible power, Mr. Strock. Or if necessary by using that power itself as you saw this afternoon.
- Robur: I admire you, Mr. Strock. You do what you feel you must do without caring whether you alienate anyone or whether they understand you or not. That is my way. That is the only way for a man of dedication. I know that you would like to stop me, sir. For that reason, my impulse is to have you destroyed. My desire on the other hand is to have you join me.