This is an early movie directed by Masahiro Shinoda (his sixth) and thus made before he was able to select the projects he wanted to make. Most of the early movies of his that I've seen so far have been well made but plagued with inferior scripts. But, even though Shinoda did not later seem to have much affection for this movie, it is superior to most of his early work and stands up well on its own. The story is set in a fishing community where many family's traditional way of life is threatened by encroaching industrialization. The lead characters are a couple who collect and sell seaweed and their two grown daughters who have taken jobs at a local factory to help make ends meet. The oldest daughter has reached an age where she is starting to attract marriage proposals and the main plot of the movie is over the question of whether she is going to marry for love or money. Shinoda was only given three weeks to shoot this(which may explain its running time of 66 minutes) but you would never guess that by looking at it. Shinoda was apparently incapable of making a visually uninteresting movie and this one is no exception. And for once he was given a script worthy of him. A story of this type could easily have descended into sentimentality, but the script and Shinoda's restraint make this a very enjoyable movie.