Dean Fredericks credited as playing...
Capt. Frank Chapman
- Sessom: We can do one of two things: outrun them or fight them!
- Capt. Frank Chapman: Well, breaking up a formation is one thing, but how can you fight them? D'ya have a chance?
- Sessom: We have to settle that once and for all. Living in constant danger isn't worthy of us.
- Herron: But don't forget we still have the gravity control.
- Sessom: The greatest danger to us is the high intensity heat bomb.
- Herron: Right. They have enough concentrated heat to blow up our planet instantly.
- Sessom: What would you do?
- Herron: I would fight!
- Sessom: And you?
- Capt. Frank Chapman: Fight.
- Sessom: Right! That's exactly my decision!
- Sessom: It's true that our technology may be much further advanced than yours, but then strange thing happened.
- Capt. Frank Chapman: Well, what was that?
- Sessom: We had machines do all our work. People on Rheton became completely free of all labor, practically of all responsibities. Our people became soft and lazy. They did not know how to cope with their free time. They started to fight amongst themselves.
- Capt. Frank Chapman: That's very interesting. Many people on Earth are beginning to face the same problem: too much free time, too little work.
- Sessom: Problem not at all unique in the history of the universe.
- Col. Lansfield: Anything out there, Frank?
- Capt. Frank Chapman: Nothing, Colonel. It's almost too quiet.