Andy Griffith credited as playing...
Pat Collins
- Mrs. Vera Collins: You better make your speech before you get your hand busted again.
- Pat Collins: Ma, that was uncalled for.
- Pat Collins: You know somethin,' Aggie. I got a feelin' it ain't gonna be safe to spit on the sidewalk.
- Aggie Gates: You're right.
- Pat Collins: Well Aggie, all I can say is, you sure do have fine taste in ranch hands.
- Aggie Gates: Thank you, Pat.
- Mrs. Vera Collins: Well, I don't see what you're getting' so heated up about.
- Pat Collins: Ma, there's some things I just don't tell you.
- Pat Collins: What can I do for ya, Rena?
- Rena Mitchell: Oh, I just thought we might get a dish of ice cream together.
- Pat Collins: Ice cream?
- Rena Mitchell: Mm hmmm.
- Pat Collins: I didn't... I didn't know you were that fond of ice cream.
- Rena Mitchell: Oh, I've always had a sweet tooth, Pat.
- Lucretia 'Lu' Rogers: Oh, Pat, I'm so glad you're here. Do you know Dan Jones?
- Pat Collins: I'm gettin' to know him better every minute. This is Rena Mitchel - friend of Dan's.
- Lucretia 'Lu' Rogers: Oh?
- Pat Collins: [nodding to Lucretia] Lu Rogers.
- Lucretia 'Lu' Rogers: I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Mitchell.
- Rena Mitchell: Thank you.
- Dan Jones: This place seems to be catching on. Won't you folks join us?
- Pat Collins: Don't mind if I do.
- Pat Collins: Who's that?
- Aggie Gates: My new ranch hand.
- Pat Collins: Uh, no offense, Aggie, but, the... there's somethin' about that shape that just don't seem right... Huh, wears his hair mighty long, what is he, a Mormon or somethin'?
- Aggie Gates: Ain't a Mormon and ain't a he. I got me a lady ranch hand.
- Pat Collins: Oh, well, that clears that up.
- Pat Collins: I was an only child.
- Lucretia 'Lu' Rogers: Oh?
- Pat Collins: I always had a dog, though.
- Lucretia 'Lu' Rogers: A dog?
- Pat Collins: Yeah. Got a fine dog. Real killer. If you or any other strangers come within a hundred yards of my place and I wasn't there, he'd tear ya to pieces... I think a lot of him.