The filmmakers thrilled already envisage money sign in a huge box-office when they hear the famous Monte Cristo novel, this turn they offer a new rereading from the classic, no Edmund Dantès, no elder Abbé Faria at Chateau d'if or revenge whatsoever, now in 1815 at England Col. Jackson (Ian Hunter) and his gorgeous red-head daughter Pauline (Patricia Bedin) leaving sneakily London toward Italy to meet others three partners whereof each them had a small piece of treasure map buried somewhere in Monte Cristo island at Mediterranean sea.
Still in England on the journey thru there they meet randomly with gallant British Captain Adam Corbett (Rory Calhoun) that saves them of a burglars at tavern, later Corbett is hired as body-guard, meanwhile keeps an eye on the reluctant Pauline, also dully accompanied by the clumsy British butler Albert (Sam Kydd), Col. Jackson has a rendezvous with his unknown partners at old Roman ruins in Italy, when the real adventure will really begin.
Surely a low profile picture, gathered with a secondary casting, however not devoid of interest, the leading actor Rory Calhoun is good enough to play a swashbuckler character, also has the Italian beauty Gianna Maria Canale as scheming lady, without forget Peter Arne, Francis Matthews and the giggly pirate John Gregson and their thugs gang, a fine afternoon matinee strongly humor oriented, sadly it never came out officially in Brazil, on Youtube has a good print available, much better than my DVD-R copy on washout image.
Thanks for reading.
First watch: 2013 / How many: 2 / Source: DVD-Youtube / Rating: 7.