I adored "Fair Exchange'. It was wonderful, exciting, shocking and so much fun. Risqué for the bravado of both female characters to us here in Australia where few could afford to travel overseas, especially to America. England was still recovering from WWII and still on rations. We were only just coming to grips with the fact that another War was not about to occur - as history had proved to occur so often. 'A FAIR EXCHANGE' was the way we were able to travel & see London. The show was extremely important to those lucky enough to have TV sets. For me it was the ultimate experience & taught me so much about relationships and the difference between two cultures so similar yet so foreign in manner to each other. It was a major teaching tool for so many young people (mostly female), but a teaching tool nonetheless. I'd love to see it again now - to remember when life was simpler & saner, when people had an innocence now no longer found anywhere. The same innocence which produced wonderful books, stories, poetry, and caring people. Not so much of that anywhere nowadays, is there?