Christine Kaufmann credited as playing...
Serenella Arconti
- [Stanswood lays Serenella on a table in the church after she is shot by an archer for being out past curfew]
- Serenella Arconti: Thomas?
- Thomas Stanswood: You're going to be alright.
- Serenella Arconti: Was... was it wrong to defy Don Carlos and Orietta?
- Thomas Stanswood: No. You're right to hate tyranny and oppression. Your people must be very proud of you.
- Serenella Arconti: Are... are you proud of me, Thomas?
- Thomas Stanswood: Yes, very proud. Remember you wanted me to take you to England?
- Serenella Arconti: Yes.
- Thomas Stanswood: You still want to go?
- Serenella Arconti: Oh yes, more than ever!
- Thomas Stanswood: Alright then, we'll go. Together.
- Serenella Arconti: How wonderful!
- [moves in pain]
- Serenella Arconti: Will... will it be a long journey?
- Thomas Stanswood: No. You'll be there in no time at all.
- Serenella Arconti: I'll ride with you through the green fields and the quiet peaceful countryside and... and sew for you and... play the... .
- [Dies]