- New York Times [A.H. Weiler]
- Acidemic Journal of Film and Media [Erich Kuersten]
- Bandeja de Plata [Carlos Fernández Castro]
- Spanish
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics
- Blu-ray.com [Michael Reuben]
- Boulevard do Crepúsculo [Renato Félix]
- Portuguese
- CGiii.com [Anderson Cutler]
- Chandler Swain Reviews
- Christoph Hartung - Die besten Filmkritiken im Netz [Christoph Hartung]
- German
- Cinecaps Digest
- Classic Film & TV Cafe [R.B. Armstrong]
- Combustible Celluloid [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
- Dennis Schwartz
- derekwinnert.com [Derek Winnert]
- digitallyOBSESSED! DVD Reviews
- DVDBeaver Blu-ray [Gary Tooze]
- DvdClassik Review
- French
- DVDFR [Francis Moury]
- French
- Fifth about The Seventh [Felipe Rosa]
- Film Freedonia [Roderick Heath]
- Film Frenzy [Matt Brunson]
- FilmFanatic.org
- filmsgraded.com [Brian Koller]
- Le Mot du Cinephiliaque [Michaël Parent]
- English
- marcfusion.com
- Neverending Film Festival [Doug Holland]
- Notes on Films
- Only The Cinema [Ed Howard]
- Remember it for later [Oliver Nöding]
- German
- Slant Magazine 4K UHD Blu-ray [Derek Smith]
- Steve Aldous
- The Films of Howard Hawks [Michael E. Grost]
- The Hot Corn [Francesco Parrino]
- Italian
- The Movie Scene [Andy Webb]
- The Video Vacuum [Mitch Lovell]
- The Village Voice [Jonas Mekas]
- themagnificent60s [Brian Hannan]
- Trailers from Hell - 4K [Charlie Largent]
- Virtual DVD Magazine
- German
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