Steve McQueen credited as playing...
'Buzz' • Buzz Rickson
- Captain Buzz Rickson: What's the matter Bolland, afraid to die?
- 1st Lt Ed Bolland: Damn right I am. But you're scared to live.
- Daphne Caldwell: Have you ever been in love, Captain? I'm serious, have you?
- Captain Buzz Rickson: In wartime you don't fall in love, you make love. You know what I mean?
- Captain Buzz Rickson: There's only two things that mean anything to me - flying and women.
- Daphne Caldwell: In that order?
- Captain Buzz Rickson: In any order or both together.
- Daphne Caldwell: So you're enjoying the war?
- Captain Buzz Rickson: I like my work.
- Daphne Caldwell: Work?
- Captain Buzz Rickson: Lady, I belong to the most destructive group of men the world has ever known. That's my work.