Sid Caesar credited as playing...
Melville Crump
- Third Cab Driver: Can't you see I'm talking on the phone? Huh? Give me two minutes! Now listen to me, Sir, I...
- [the cabbie looks back at Melville]
- Melville Crump: Will you take us to Santa Rosita State Park?
- Third Cab Driver: [about Melville being covered in yellow paint] What's the matter, what happened to you? What was ya, in some kind of initiation?
- Melville Crump: We had an accident. We fell into yellow, all right? Hurry up!
- First Cab Driver: That'll be two ninety.
- Melville Crump: Okay, here's three dollars. Wait for us, okay?
- First Cab Driver: [sarcastically] Oh sure.
- Melville Crump: Wise guy.
- Melville Crump: Look, why don't we just start digging for it?
- J. Russell Finch: Well suppose someone comes along? What do we tell them?
- Monica Crump: Well, we could tell them that we're here on an archeological expedition.
- Melville Crump: [annoyed] Aah!
- Sylvester Marcus: We don't tell them anything. We tell them to hit the road or we beat their brains in!
- Melville Crump: Filibuster. Filibuster. Ha. Now you can stick around and watch us take off.
- Ding Bell: Listen, Dentist: I *hate* dentists! And I hate *you* so much, that I'm not able to *tell* you how much I hate you, in front of your wife-!
- Benjy Benjamin: And visa versa.
- Melville Crump: [enraged] Why you... Come on over here!
- [Ding and Benji run]
- Melville Crump: *Come on* over *here*!
- Hardware Store Clerk: I'm sorry, we're closed. It's twelve o'clock on Sunday.
- Melville Crump: It's twelve o'clock, they're closed. *Wait a minute*! All we want is a pick and a shovel.
- Hardware Store Clerk: Well, Mr. Dinckler is inside...
- Melville Crump: Dinckler. That's it, we'll get Dinckler, come on.
- Benjy Benjamin: [in a hospital in bandages and casts] It's all your fault. It's all your fault right from the beginning to the end.
- J. Algernon Hawthorne: You know, even for a policeman, your behavior was ruddy outrageous.
- Sylvester Marcus: Yeah, you could have taken a fair share like the rest of us, but no. You had to go and wrap up the whole scene, baby.
- Ding Bell: We had three hundred and fifty-thousand bucks right in our hands.
- Melville Crump: Fourteen into three hundred and fifty-thousand dollars...
- Ding Bell: [groans] Oh, shut up!
- [first lines]
- J. Russell Finch: [as all the cars pull over one by one, the men quickly jump out in shock at having just witnessed Smiler Grogan pass them recklessly fast, careen off the side of the hilly road, and terribly crash down below] Whoa! Hey d-did ya see it, the way he went sailing right out there? D-d he just went *sailing* right out there.
- Melville Crump: It was terrible, I m-a-mean just terrible. He musta been doin' over eighty ya know.
- J. Russell Finch: An ambulance - we better, we oughta call an ambulance.
- Ding Bell: Oh... oh look at that car.
- J. Russell Finch: [the group starts bickering and talking over one another] He went sailing right out there.
- Ding Bell: How 'bout you doin' ninety miles an hour?
- J. Russell Finch: I wasn't doin' - he was passin' me.
- Ding Bell: We weren't standin' still when he passed us...
- J. Russell Finch: I never saw such a crazy guy in my life!...
- Lennie Pike: Come on, let's get down there!
- [the group immediately starts scrambling down the rocky hill]
- J. Russell Finch: [to Emmeline and Mrs. Marcus] W... we're gonna go down there, you stay in the car.
- Emmeline Finch: Now Russell be careful, remember your condition.
- Mrs. Marcus: [gestures her hand with disdain] Eh.
- J. Russell Finch: [to himself] Ooh, boy the way he just *sailed* out there.
- [Finch follows down after the group]
- Melville Crump: Speaking for my wife and myself, we'd be just as happy with...
- Ding Bell: You'd be perfectly happy with two-eighths instead of a quarter? Awfully big of you.
- Melville Crump: The man said there was a certain amount of money buried down in this park.
- Lennie Pike: That's right. It was under a big W. Say what is a big W?
- Ding Bell: If we find out, we'll send you a wire.
- Melville Crump: It's only a possibility now, it's only a possibility that this man was telling the truth. And if it was the truth, then it is a fact that this place is almost two hundred miles away. Now I suggest that we quietly get into our cars and drive down there at a safe, sound speed, keeping each other in sight of each other. And then when we get down there, we dig up the money - providing there is some money there. And if we do find it, we share it amongst us in a simple manner.
- [after destroying most of the basement of the hardware store]
- Monica Crump: What about the damage?
- Melville Crump: [beat; furious] *They're* the ones who locked us in!
- Monica Crump: [looking at a highway map] Mount Shasta National Forest. Are we anywhere near Mount Shasta...
- Melville Crump: That's on the top. Look down near the bottom.
- Monica Crump: Are we near Oregon?
- Melville Crump: It's seven hundred miles from here!
- Smiler Grogan: Aunt Belle, I didn't mean to do it!
- Lennie Pike: Holy mackerel, take it easy, mister!
- J. Russell Finch: Easy!
- Smiler Grogan: Please! Please say it don't make any difference, Aunt Belle! Please! You gotta say! You gotta tell me it don't make any difference!
- Ding Bell: For heaven's sake, tell him.
- Melville Crump: It - It don't make any difference.
- [Smiler Grogan kicks the bucket - literally]
- Lennie Pike: That guy is dead. You better believe it.