Jeffrey Hunter credited as playing...
- Lacer: I know your kind. A privileged slave girl, the pampered little darling. Well, you got what you wanted, a bit of amusing gossip to wet the appetite of some bored noble before you climb into his..
- [Penelope attempts to slap him]
- Lacer: Don't you try it! I'm not one of your polite Patricians.
- Penelope: [slaps Lacer, he kisses her] Oh, I knew it. I knew it would happen. From that first moment at the bridge when you looked at me with pure hatred.
- Lacer: Isn't hatred the opposite of love?
- Penelope: The opposite of love is indifference.
- Lacer: I saw you at the bridge and I saw you down here. And when you think you are not being watched, you're that most touching of creatures. A lost child.
- Penelope: Leave me alone. Stay away from me.
- Penelope: What are you offering me, architect? Love?
- Lacer: Love between slaves? Shall I tell you the horror of slavey to me? The slaves become animals and the animals learn to love their cages.