Clifton Jones credited as playing...
Jamaican Passenger
- B.O.A.C. Airplane Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, would you kindly fasten your seat belts, please.
- The Duchess of Brighton: I haven't brought a seat belt with me.
- Jamaican Passenger: You must be sitting on it.
- The Duchess of Brighton: Oh, well, have you got one?
- Jamaican Passenger: Yes, I have.
- The Duchess of Brighton: Oh, I see. What happens now?
- Jamaican Passenger: You should have another part.
- The Duchess of Brighton: Oh, here it is...
- Jamaican Passenger: Here, there we are. Here, this way.
- The Duchess of Brighton: I'll leave it to you.
- Jamaican Passenger: Now, you put that through there. That, that through there and you're fastened to your chair.
- The Duchess of Brighton: You can't be expected to know that. What are they going to do? Loop-the-loop, or something?