On Dec 5 1963, the producer SF sent the film to the National Cinema Agency (NCA) for review. The Agency found itself apparently not able to assess the issue. Therefore the National Film Review Council was consulted. On Dec 28, NCA announced their decision; "The film's public viewing in Sweden is prohibited".
The title "491" is based on the words of Christ for forgiveness. "Then Peter came to him and said: Lord, how often should I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus said to him, I tell you, not seven times but seventy times seven." (Matt. 18:22). 70 x 7 is 490, but the question is whether the 491th time also will be forgiven.
The producer SF appealed to the Swedish Government. "491" was approved X rated for public viewing with a number of abbreviations. The film opened in Sweden March 16, 1964.
The Swedish German Shepherd Club protested to the producers, SF (Svensk Filmindustri), about the immoral and degrading part the dog had to perform.
At the opening night, outside the cinema Röda Kvarn in Stockholm, the organization Christian Social Responsibility demonstrated against the screening of "491". Bishop Sven Danell from Skara was one of the leading ecclesiastical characters.