Ray Milland credited as playing...
Mario Forni
- The Thief: I, I have found this. It's a plan of the church at Tolino. I discovered it in a very old manuscript.
- Mario Forni: How do I know you didn't make this yourself?
- The Thief: Do I look like a thief?
- Mario Forni: Yes. You stole this, didn't you?
- The Thief: Out of need, Signor, out of need.
- Mario Forni: I'm sorry I don't do business with thieves.
- The Thief: I''m a poor scholar. With eleven children. All with the whopping cough.
- Mario Forni: I see you've been doing your bit toward the population explosion. However, I might be induced to give a small donation. But you must understand, if I give you money that makes me an accessory. And I am a businessman, my dear scholar. And, of course, it's those eleven poor children - they do worry me.
- Mario Forni: How much do you want for that?
- The Thief: A million Lire. I want a million Lire.
- Mario Forni: I thought you didn't believe in marriage.
- Madame Rinaldi: I don't. But you make me believe in my own disbelief.
- Mario Forni: I think I know what you mean.
- Madame Rinaldi: And like all other men, you think you're absolutely irresistible.
- Mario Forni: Oh, not any more. I used to be, you know, but nowadays I find that I have to fight a little harder. What were we talking about?
- Madame Rinaldi: Mohammedan.
- Mario Forni: [after their car loaded with treasure rolls over the cliff into the ocean below] Hey, do you know how to skin dive?
- Madame Rinaldi: No. But I'll learn.
- Mario Forni: I'm unprincipled enough not to have any principles worth anything. But I've never killed anybody. But somehow, some way, I feel I've killed her.
- Mario Forni: Now, who should we talk about - you or me?
- Madame Rinaldi: You.
- Mario Forni: No, I don't think so. Let's talk about you. I know all about me.
- Madame Rinaldi: And I know all about me, so the conversation is already over.