Lee Marvin credited as playing...
Charlie Strom
- Charlie Strom: It's not only the money. Maybe we get that and maybe we don't. But I gotta find out what makes a man decide not to run... why, all of a sudden, he'd rather die.
- Earl Sylvester: I don't know where Johnny is, what trouble he got into ...
- Lee: [Interrupting] He's dead!
- Earl Sylvester: [as Lee smiles at him in amusement] He's dead?
- Charlie Strom: [laconically] ALL the way.
- Charlie Strom: Whoever laid this contract wasn't worried about the million dollars, and the only people that don't worry about a million dollars are the people that have a million dollars.
- Charlie Strom: [referring to Mickey Farmer] He knows me. I had to lean on him once.
- Lee: You know 'em all, don't ya?
- Charlie Strom: You never know them all.
- Charlie Strom: [quietly] Sylvester, unless you want to renew your partnership with the late Johnny North, I suggest you tell us everything and anything we want to know.
- Lee: [bemusedly] Oh, Charlie... Charlie... you're always on top, aren't you, Charlie?
- Charlie Strom: [laconically] I'm still alive.
- Lee: What was it he couldn't handle?
- Earl Sylvester: Dames - the kind that hang around the pits.
- Charlie Strom: Dames? Or a dame?
- Earl Sylvester: It just takes one.