George Segal credited as playing...
Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli
- Dr. Arthur Hellman, Psychiatrist: Without going into a lengthy diagnosis, I think it's fair to say that Nancy is an unstable personality. She's one of those tender people who cannot deal with stress and pressures. Oh, she does fine as long as she's surrounded with people who love and care for her, but the minute that she's confronted with a situation involving stress, like that incident at the party, she's liable to go...
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: All right, so I'll keep her away from parties.
- Dr. Arthur Hellman, Psychiatrist: Any trivial incident involving stress and pressure is liable to set her off.
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: That's double talk. That's psychiatric double talk. That some science... psychiatry.
- Dr. Arthur Hellman, Psychiatrist: The science of psychiatry cannot cure everyone. Does that mean it's worthless?
- Dr. Pete Clarke: What the hell's going on here? Who's going to work on this kid?
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: I am.
- Dr. Pete Clarke: You are? Where's the surgical resident?
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: He's busy.
- Dr. Pete Clarke: Then get on the phone and get somebody up here.
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: I can do this.
- Dr. Pete Clarke: But this is a major abdominal wound. He hasn't got a chance.
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: Clarke! i know I can save him.
- Dr. Dominick 'Dom' Riccio: I don't know why I waste my time with you. You're a damn fool hard head and I don't think you'll ever learn. Any first-year student knows you don't take on a patient that you're personally involved with and what an involvement. Everybody in this hospital knows you wanted that boy to die and die he damned well did.
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: I didn't kill him.
- Dr. Dominick 'Dom' Riccio: Maybe not. Will let that go for a moment.
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: [to Dr. Riccio] You're wrong about me but you don't have the guts to admit it. Now maybe I wanted that kid to die at first. God knows I had enough reason. But up there I tried my damnedest to save that punk for only one reason... because he was a patient and whether you want to admit it or not, you taught me what that means.
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: A whole week since it happened. Don't you think you flatheads could've gotten a line on him yet?
- Detective Harper: Let me tell you something, doctor. First, policemen don't like to be called "flatheads." Can we agree on that for openers?
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: O.K.
- Detective Harper: Second, and this is the reason I'm here. You're not doing us a bit of good prowling around that neighborhood every night.
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: And third, what do you know? That his name is Beep and he's disappeared. That's beautiful.
- Detective Harper: You're quite the indignant taxpayer, aren't you?
- Dr. Tony 'Shiv' Parelli: Just a second. Now I know it's a big city and you got lots of problems. But you better get him before I do or else there's not going to be much left of him to put in jail.
- Detective Harper: A friendly piece of advice, doctor. I know where you come from but you're not in that jungle now. Don't let yourself slide back into it.