In the closing scene, Elvis Presley lifts a dwarf into the arms of "The Strongman" portrayed by Richard Kiel ("Jaws" of James Bond fame).
Elvis begged the director, Hal Wallis, to let him do his own flight scene stunt, citing his black belt in karate. Reluctantly, the director agreed and what resulted was Elvis getting severely clipped in the head and needing 4-5 stitches on his forehead. Luckily, the script calls for Elvis to get in a motorcycle accident later in the film, so the director put a band-aid on his forehead and worked it into the script.
According to a fan magazine of the era, Mae West refused the role of the older carnival owner (ultimately played by Barbara Stanwyck) when the studio refused to re-write the script so she would appear as one of Elvis Presley's love interests.