- Sakon Shiba: [Threatening to kill the Magistrate; his daughter physically intervenes] For his victims' sake, I can't allow him to live.
- Aya: Please!
- Sakon Shiba: Move, or I'll kill you!
- Aya: Kill me, then. No matter what he's done, I'm still his daughter.
- Sakon Shiba: [the Magistrate breaks free and runs for it, but Shiba deftly cuts off his top knot with a quick thrust of his sword] Let the lord see you in disgrace. Let the peasants see you in disgrace.
- Sakon Shiba: [Giving Aya, who's being held hostage by peasants, a meager bowl of millet porridge to eat]
- Sakon Shiba: For someone accustomed to a life of luxury, it may be hard to believe people actually eat millet porridge. Nevertheless, even though they don't have enough to feed themselves, they've offered this porridge to you. Better have some.
- Sakon Shiba: [Putting the bowl up to her mouth, which she refuses to accept]
- Sakon Shiba: Eat it!
- Sakon Shiba: [Forcefully making her eat the porridge, obviously not to her liking] Then maybe you'll realize why all this has happened.
- Sakon Shiba: [Negotiating with the Magistrate the release of his daughter Aya, who's being held hostage by peasants] Punish me and let the peasants go.
- Uzaemon Matsushita: Very well. I promise not to punish the peasants.
- Sakon Shiba: Magistrate, you're a samurai. I, too, am a samurai. This is a promise between samurai.
- Uzaemon Matsushita: I understand.
- Kyojuro Sakura: Everyone here is a witness. Be sure to send him back safely.
- Uzaemon Matsushita: I promise that, too.
- Sakon Shiba: We've made a pledge as samurai.
- [Releases Aya from custody]
- Aya: [Freed, now facing Shiba, incredulous that he has released her from being a hostage] Why should you be willing to do such a thing?
- Sakon Shiba: The peasants risked their lives. A samurai can do no less.
- Sakon Shiba: How about you, Mr. Freeloader? Care to enjoy some porridge for a change?
- Einosuke Kikyô: No, thanks. I prefer good food and wine, and plenty of it.
- Sakon Shiba: Are you a burglar, too?
- Kyojuro Sakura: Don't be foolish. That's one thing I've never tried.
- Sakon Shiba: Did you take the job for a reward, then?
- Kyojuro Sakura: Partly that, yes. But you see, when I meet a strong opponent, I can't - restrain myself!
- Sakon Shiba: Do you know what the magistrate wants me killed?
- Kyojuro Sakura: His daughter's been abducted.
- Sakon Shiba: The peasants did it because he wouldn't heed their appeal. It's a case of three peasants fighting for justice.
- Kyojuro Sakura: [to Kikyô] Is what he says true?
- Einosuke Kikyô: Something like that.
- Kyojuro Sakura: What? You knew that and still you came?
- Einosuke Kikyô: I had to come. I'm sponging off the magistrate, you know.
- Kyojuro Sakura: Damn it! I quit. I'm originally from a farm myself. Starting now, I'm on the side of the peasants.
- Kyojuro Sakura: What do you think you are? Vermin with two sticks you call swords. Very well. No need to waste words on vermin like you.
- Sakon Shiba: Why are you helping me?
- Aya: I don't know. It's just - I see people differently now. I see my father differently. I even see the world differently.
- Sakon Shiba: A strange destiny. This is like our home now.
- Kyojuro Sakura: Quite so. We won't be in the way here. Two stray dogs. This is a fine kennel.
- Sakon Shiba: Did you rape her?
- Jimbei: No, nothing like that. The magistrate's daughter may look on us peasants as worms, but even a worm has a soul!
- Peasant I: Are you the magistrate's messengers?
- Samurai Mercenary 1: Yes, he sent us.
- Peasant I: And his message?
- Samurai Mercenary 1: Kill!
- Peasant II: What? Who are you?
- Kurahashi: God's of Death.
- Omaki: This is Gosaku's daughter, who was sold to a brothel three years ago.
- Oyasu: You're from a farm too. Traitor!
- Omaki: Selling farm girls is my business. Even among girls, those who sell and those who are sold come from different stock.
- Oyasu: Dog! Dirty snake!
- Omaki: What?
- [starts kicking Oyasu]
- Oyasu: Damn it! Bitch!
- Sakon Shiba: Where will you go now?
- Einosuke Kikyô: Wherever suits me best.
- Sakon Shiba: The trouble is, you calculate the gains and losses too much.
- Einosuke Kikyô: You don't calculate enough.
- Kyojuro Sakura: What have you got against the peasants?
- Mercenary: Crushing worthless worms requires no explanation.
- Kyojuro Sakura: What? Worthless worms?