- Shamus Tobin: Find yourself a good man, a good Irish Catholic, and settle down.
- Molly Brown: Hmh! The man I marry's got to be more than just Irish Catholic.
- Shamus Tobin: What more can a man be?
- Molly Brown: Well if he's going to crawl in next to me, he's going to have to be the richest Irish Catholic next to the Pope.
- Molly Brown: [in France] Here I'm pleasant, at home I'm vulgar, I guess it's like here you eat snails, at home you step on them.
- Shamus Tobin: Molly sure know what she was doin' when she made this place red. The blood don't show.
- Molly Brown: [reading] The rat sees the cat, the cat sees the rat, I have a new hat, it is a red hat. What happened to the rat?
- 'Leadville' Johnny Brown: The cat ate it.
- [Molly is reading the newspaper reports of the free-for-all that took place at her social party]
- Molly Brown: But it's lies, all lies! Everybody knows the Merry Christmas Saloon ain't no fancy house! And the things he quotes me saying! All those blanks that stand for bad words!
- [Thinks]
- Molly Brown: Well... guess I did let a couple go.
- [Reads from paper]
- Molly Brown: "'One thing's for blank sure,' said Mrs. Brown. 'This time we ain't puttin' up with no blank blank Rocky Mountain rudeness!'" Ohhh! And the worst of all! It isn't even on the Society page! It's on the *Sports* page!
- Shamus Tobin: [describing the only boy interested in Molly] He tried to show her his pa's hayloft, she tied a tin can to his tail and sent him rattling down the road.
- Molly Brown: What's that mean? Best regards?
- 'Leadville' Johnny Brown: Well it means not just 'regards', but best regards.
- [first lines]
- Shamus Tobin: [and Murphy] Belly up, belly up to the bar, boys / Better loosen your belts...
- 'Leadville' Johnny Brown: We had more fun back in Leadville by accident than they're having in there on purpose. They're a bunch of cold fish.
- Molly Brown: Oh, no. Oh, no. That's dignity, Mr. Brown. Dignity! And we're gonna get us some.
- Molly Brown: I'll send for you, Pa. I promise that. You'll have a room of your own, where you can stay in bed all day with a jug of the best liquor.
- Shamus Tobin: I do that now.
- Murphy: About time to marry her off.
- Shamus Tobin: Marry? Who'd want Molly?
- Murphy: Well, there must be somebody who doesn't know her.
- Molly Brown: Love is funny. It's a lot harder to mine than gold or silver. I had a rich claim. I wasn't working it. So I lost it.
- [Molly is playing hostess in a Paris restaurant, missing Johnny, and fed up with her current life. She sees her old adversary from Denver at another table]
- Molly Brown: Well, drop my drawers. It's Gladys McGraw. Aren't you going to curtsy? No, I guess you aren't. And why should you? I'm a vulgar, extravagant, ignorant, nouveau-riche American expatriate, clowning for a bunch of people I don't know and don't care about. Just a figure of fun.
- [Quietly and sincerely]
- Molly Brown: Nice to see you, Gladys.