Yet another brilliant comedy about the adventures of Asa-Nisse and his companion Klabbarparn! The plot is set in the mid sixties, during the cultural revolution of pop music, and we get to hear lots of great music performed by many artists including Jan Rohde and Dutch pop starlet Suzie. Nisse is in the poultry trade, trying to breed different kind of eggs. Salesman Sjoekvist smells a chance to make some profit and is willingly paying whatever Nisse is charging him. There is also a conman about in Knohult and Nisse and "Klabbis" windes up with a suitcase full of money. Among the more memorable episodes in this movie is the one where Klabbarparn sings an old Swedish "skillingtryck" in the hen-house, or why not the one where Sjoekvist falls from his bike with a basket full of meringue-eggs? Hilarious! Although this little gem hasn't been directed by the legendary Ragnar Frisk, it still has all the main ingredients of the classics, and it is without a doubt among the top three in the Asa-Nisse series, hats off to Börje Larsson!