Madhavi Mukherjee credited as playing...
Karuna Gupta
- Amitabha Roy: All this palm reading was just an excuse to hold your hand.
- Karuna Gupta: You think it wasn't an excuse for me to offer it?
- Karuna Gupta: I haven't seen a Bengali film in ages. It would be easy when we go to Calcutta, but you never let me.
- Bimal Gupta: [laughing disparagingly] Bengali films!
- Amitabha Roy: Why do you laugh?
- Bimal Gupta: You know, Mr. Roy, the Bengalis of this present generation have no moral fiber. And that is reflected in everything they do. Everything! Whether films, or politics, or...
- Karuna Gupta: Must you really speak this way when we have a Bengali guest?
- Bimal Gupta: [addressing Mr. Roy] Certainly! Criticize Bengalis to a Bengali, but praise them to others. Right?
- Amitabha Roy: Right.
- [Bimal Gupta toasts him and laughs]
- Bimal Gupta: [to Ami] Your loss is my gain. Or rather, our gain. Right darling?
- Karuna Gupta: You talk too much.
- Amitabha Roy: Karuna! Must you be so terribly polite? I can't bear it when you speak to me so formally. This is too much.
- Karuna Gupta: You prefer I be rude?
- Karuna Gupta: You're angry.
- Amitabha Roy: Why would I be?
- Karuna Gupta: Because I came to your room. You have a sullen look on your face.
- Amitabha Roy: That's how I look when I haven't shaved.
- Amitabha Roy: I know you're used to all kinds of comforts. I've been to your house. I've seen it with my own eyes.
- Karuna Gupta: My house? Is that all you saw? Did you see the person there? Did you recognize her? This last year and a half, haven't I told you over and over that when I'm with you - - maybe you thought it was just romantic drivel. I don't blame you. It's hard to really know a person.
- Amitabha Roy: Just give me a little more time.
- Karuna Gupta: That's impossible.
- Amitabha Roy: Why not try?
- Karuna Gupta: What's the use, Ami? What you really need isn't more time, but something else.
- Karuna Gupta: It's just a cold lunch today, you know.
- Amitabha Roy: Cold things are all I expect from you.
- Bimal Gupta: Mr. Roy, you were asking about neighbors.
- Karuna Gupta: Shall I pour the tea.
- Bimal Gupta: It's not that no one else lives around here. All our staff - clerks, teahouse babus - they're all within a mile.
- Karuna Gupta: Sugar?
- Amitabha Roy: Two spoons.
- Bimal Gupta: But you can't really call them neighbors, because outside working hours, it's a sort of unwritten law that you're not to see them.
- Karuna Gupta: Real love is in the heart. There are no crowds there. No one to bother us or keep an eye on us.
- Amitabha Roy: I know the answer to my own question. You can't be happy. You two can't have a single thing in common. Why won't you admit it?
- Karuna Gupta: Maybe I didn't want to be happy.