The Three Stooges were an act for several decades and over time, the act changed quite a bit depending on who the third Stooge was as well as popular opinions. In the early days, the Stooges were nutty and ultra-violent, as folks in the 1930s-40s loved it and Curly Howard was perfect as the dopiest of the Stooges. However, after his retirement following a stroke, the team changed several times. Curly's older brother, Shemp, took his place and the films the group made were pretty similar to the earlier ones. However, with Shemp's death, the Stooges changed radically. First, Joe Besser came into the group and the shorts they made with him were pretty awful, as Besser managed to be MUCH more annoying than any previous Stooge. After he left the group because he was obviously NOT a good fit, they brought in Joe De Rita, who objected to much of the eye poking and violence of the earlier films. This, combined with parental concerns about their kids imitating the Stooges lead to the group making far less violent films...and, at least for me, far, far less interesting and bland ones as well. So, whether or not you like "The Outlaws is Coming" is highly dependent on what you think of these latter day Stooges.
A reporter (Adam West) is sent from his Boston newspaper to investigate the disappearance of the bison in the west. Well, it turns out some local scumbag and his henchmen are trying to wipe them out in order to foment unrest with the the hope that the unrest will result in their taking control of these western territories. The Stooges go along for comic relief and Annie Oakley arrives in time to save the reporter from instant death!
The story is only okay. The laughs are few. Overall, it's really a story that seems tailored towards children and not adults...which probably explains why I felt so bored. Now understand,'s NOT terrible...but it is also only a shallow version of what I and so many others liked about the Stooges. A bit of Curly's nuttiness could have helped this film immensely.
By the way, you might notice that the plot is VERY similar to the Don Knotts film, "The Shakiest Gun in the West", though the Knotts film is far funnier and well worth seeing.