Massimo Serato credited as playing...
Mr. Nurmi
- Mr. Nurmi: Soon she will be ready for the great moment when she and I will become one person; when my flesh will absorb hers. We will be one, one dual person. That will be the perfect combination of my work - the total fusion, the great moment.
- Mr. Nurmi: I was admiring your physique.
- Lt. Connie Gomez: What?
- Mr. Nurmi: The human body is my specialty. My area of exploration. A vital body indicates a vibrant spirit and mind.
- Lt. Connie Gomez: Oh yes, of course.
- Mr. Nurmi: I would be enchanted to explore - your mind.
- Mr. Nurmi: It was too good for you! You! You men! Meaningless idiots! Fools! You could never comprehend! You will never comprehend! It is mine! Mine! Mine! And it will end with me! All of it! All of you!
- Cmdr. Mike Halstead: This isn't the sort of project I thought we'd have crammed down our throats - here on Gamma One.
- Mr. Nurmi: Crammed down your throats? Commander, you should be pleased that Gamma One was chosen for this test.
- Cmdr. Mike Halstead: Its the sort of pleasure we could do without. All these parts of people, shrunken organs, it kinda makes me sick to my stomach.
- Mr. Nurmi: Halstead, you better get used to it. Tissue grafts and transplants are a fact of life. They are revolutionizing medicine and will transform mankind. They are a key to a new people. A race of perfect men.