When they are flying in the helicopter, at one point the pilot says "we should be there in about 14 minutes..." A few minutes later, he says "we'll be in Las Vegas in about 30 minutes."
When the Sgt. brings Manning his dinner in the tent and Manning takes the platter from him the Sgt. is seen looking at a newspaper but in the next scene he is seen taking the paper out of his pocket and unfolding it.
When the Colossal Man is rampaging along the strip, four cops standing by two police cars fire at him but when the giant tears the cowboy from atop the Pioneer Club and throws it at them, the cars are gone and there is a crowd of people around the cops.
When Manning is on Boulder Dam he puts Carol down on the north end but after he falls she is on the south end.
The heart has more than one cell.
Plutonium was used in the first A-bomb in 1945, not for the first time in the '50s.
When the military is having their strategy meeting, (@ 1:18:00) The General claims Glenn Manning is now ten times the height of a normal man and his estimated weight is 18,000 pounds. If a man were enlarged to ten times his height, his width and depth would be as well, making him 1000 times heavier or about 180,000 pounds.
When Manning is 30 feet tall, one of the doctors says he weighs 2987 lbs. This is far below what he should weigh. 30 feet is about 5 times the height of a normal man. Mass increases according to the cube of the height. 5 cubed is 125. If Manning was 200 lbs to begin with, that would mean he would weigh 25,000 lbs.
There are many times during the movie when you can see through Glenn as he is walking around as a giant.