Repackaged as "Poor White Trash", The film ran for years on the south's drive-in circuit on a successful double feature with the similarly themed "I Hate Your Guts" (aka The Intruder (1962)).
A newspaper ad for the film (re-titled "Poor White Trash") by the New Monroe Drive-In (Monroe, NC) in The Anson Record (Wadesboro, NC) stated: "Due to the abnormal subject matter of this motion picture, no children will be allowed with or without their parents! Special uniform police will supervise admission." [August 9, 1962]
This film was still being screened in 1968, 11 years after its first release at the Evansville Drive In - Evansville, IN. Bish Thompson the film critic for the local paper reviewed it only as "emphasis is on the last word." A few years later, Poor White Trash II was released with a promo ad in the local paper as, " in the tradition of The Godfather now comes Poor White Trash II all-new and in COLOR!!