Mara Corday credited as playing...
Sally Caldwell
- Sally: Well, flying battleships, pink elephants, same difference.
- Mitch MacAfee: I said it looked like a battleship, not that it was a battleship.
- Sally: Something that seemingly destroyed four planes and just missed you the first time. Something like your flying battleship?
- Sally: Oh, nothing so domestic as a flying saucer, officer. Just a flying battleship.
- Police Officer: Well, have a good time with your flying battleship.
- Sally: If felt like something collided with us up there!
- Mitch MacAfee: Yeah, a flying battleship that wasn't there.
- Sally: Did he say what it was?
- Gen. Van Buskirk: Yes, he did. A bird. A bird as big as a battleship...
- Sally: Will it work, Mitch?
- Mitch MacAfee: I don't know. I honestly haven't the faintest, foggiest idea. It's one of those cockeyed concepts that you pull down out of Cloud Eight somewhere in sheer desperation.