Legend of the Lost (1957) Poster

Rossano Brazzi: Paul Bonnard



  • Paul Bonnard : [Seeing Joe drinking whisky]  Excuse me, monsieur, but I'm opposed to that.

    Joe January : [Belligerently]  Opposed to what?

    Paul Bonnard : Taking liquor along.

    Joe January : Well, I'm not. We'll compromise. You live your way. I'll live mine!

    Paul Bonnard : For medicinal purposes perhaps it may be useful.

    Joe January : [Smiling]  Best desert remedy on the market!

  • Paul Bonnard : [In reference to his father, whose true character has been revealed]  He lied!

    Joe January : Come on, he's paid his bills.

    Paul Bonnard : An adulterer! A murderer!

    Joe January : It can happen to any man, Paul - good *or* bad. Woman throws a harpoon into ya', and ya' go where SHE pulls.

  • Paul Bonnard : We are in, or near, the Tropic of Cancer.

    Joe January : We are on exactly 23 and a half degrees north of the equator. We are *on* the Tropic of Cancer! I know where we are. Where do you think we're going?

    Paul Bonnard : My father went from 23 and a half degrees north, by 5 degrees west, using dead reckoning, to approximately 5 degrees and 30 minutes west.

    Joe January : "Approximately"? "Dead reckoning"? A half a degree error can mean 30 or 40 miles!

  • Paul Bonnard : [Referring to his watch]  Why did you steal it?

    Dita : I wanted it.

  • Paul Bonnard : One gets to imagine strange things in the desert.

    Joe January : Yeah, one meets them too!

  • Paul Bonnard : It is amazing to walk alone in the desert. It is like walking over the face of a clock that has stopped.

  • Paul Bonnard : I have spent ten years preparing for this trip. And I have studied the Sahara and its history. I know every word that's written about this dead sea of sand.

    Joe January : There's a lot to know about the desert.

    Paul Bonnard : You like the desert?

    Joe January : It's mine... It's all I own.

  • Paul Bonnard : Shall I get firewood?

    Joe January : There isn't any. They burned up all the wood years ago.

    Joe January : [pointing over there]  Use those chips.

    Paul Bonnard : [confused]  "Chips"?

    Joe January : Camel... chips. Over there. See that stuff? Find the driest. It makes a good fire.

  • Joe January : If you're through with your Fainting Bertha tricks, we can move on.

    Paul Bonnard : You MUST stop talking to her like that! You will respect her!

    Dita : Him? Respect a woman?

    Joe January : You're a couple of fakes, both of ya'. I'm sick of watching ya' moaning about your souls and pawing each other...

    Paul Bonnard : We are a little world by ourselves in the desert, Joe. Let's be a civilized world!

    Joe January : Well, a couple of men and a dame are a strain on *any* civilization.

  • Paul Bonnard : [after Bonnard took his pistol and shot Joe's whiskey bottle out of his hand]  I'm sorry, Joe. I had to do it. I heard you talk.

    Joe January : So you took a shot at me?

    Paul Bonnard : No, not at you. At the liquor that was making you talk like that.

    Paul Bonnard : [extends his hand]  Let's be friends, Joe. Let's start over.

    Joe January : [reluctant, then shakes Bonnard's hand]  All right. We'll start over. But you pull a gun on me again, and one of us will be a *dead* friend.

  • Paul Bonnard : [to Dita]  I made you virtuous... I'll buy your virtue.

  • Paul Bonnard : I think this will be the most important job of your life.

    Joe January : What is it?

    Paul Bonnard : I'm going in search of my father.

    Joe January : A reunion, eh?

    Paul Bonnard : He disappeared in the desert ten years ago.

    Joe January : Well, just where do you expect to catch up with him?

    Paul Bonnard : I don't expect to find him... alive.

  • Paul Bonnard : [as they're bivouacked for the night at the first oasis along the way]  Do you know where we go after sighting Mount Tahat?

    Joe January : Well, there's nothing out there but a million years of dead sand.

    Paul Bonnard : Yeah, there is.

    Joe January : What?

    Paul Bonnard : I will tell you that when we get to Mount Tahat.

    Joe January : [incredulous, then drunkenly mocking him]  Holy Mother of the Pyramids! You're out here after treasure? Oh! King Solomon's Mines or the Golden Tomb of My Aunt Minnie! Out in the middle o' nowhere, lookin' for nothin' in the wrong season!

    Joe January : [turns to one of the pack mules]  Jeanette, you have a pal on this trip. A fellow jackass. It's ME! He-haw! He-haw! He-haw!

  • Joe January : [Shortly after departing Timbuktu, Bonnard looks over as they ride past the bleached bones of a camel in the desert sand]  Dropped out of a salt caravan. Even camels can't make it sometimes.

    Paul Bonnard : I thought that happened farther out?

    Joe January : You missed a few lessons in your "home desert study," Mr. Bonnard. It can happen anywhere. I've seen dead animals - and men - a hundred yards from water. That wind blows, and the sand moves, and it's goodbye water hole.

    Paul Bonnard : The oasis of Asselar will not be covered.

    Joe January : [looks at him a bit bemused]  You can start your prayin' right now.

  • Joe January : You keep your sticky fingers out of this, dear friend. I'll take the job if there's enough in it to buy me out of Timbuktu.

    Paul Bonnard : And how much is that?

    Joe January : Well, I owe this drinker of human blood around 1,000.

  • Paul Bonnard : The world is full of ferocious animals. But there is only one unkind one. Man. Animals will kill, but a man does worse. He hurts.

    Dita : I hate men.

  • Paul Bonnard : I thought we'd take camels.

    Joe January : Did you ever ride one?

    Paul Bonnard : No.

    Joe January : We'll use donkeys.

  • Paul Bonnard : He is a friend of yours?

    Dita : Yes. He is a friend. They're all friends, all the pigs in Timbuktu! I hate myself!

    Paul Bonnard : I will remember a woman whose heart was full of pain. I have to go. Goodbye, Dita.

  • Paul Bonnard : Sin doesn't make a sinner. Sin is a wound that can be healed.

  • Dita : Talk to me.

    Paul Bonnard : You're like a small child asking for fairy tales.

    Dita : A child. If I only was. If I could start over...

    Paul Bonnard : You can. Everybody can do what they want.

  • Paul Bonnard : Are they friendly?

    Joe January : Nothing is friendly out here.

  • Joe January : There's no Garden of Eden.

    Paul Bonnard : You are not giving orders.

    Joe January : You want to turn her into a little pile of white bones? Do you want to die chasing a mirage? We've got eight hours of water left. After that, we sit down and burn up.

    Paul Bonnard : You are not giving orders to us.

    Joe January : All right, but I'm giving orders to one Joe January. You can do what you want.

See also

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