Sara Montiel credited as playing...
Yellow Moccasin
- Pvt. O'Meara, 6th Virginia Volunteers Sharpshooter: [Sick with fever, approaches the tribe] I wish... I wish to speak to your chief Blue Buffalo...
- Blue Buffalo: [Rising from the ground where he was squatting] I'm Blue Buffalo!
- Pvt. O'Meara, 6th Virginia Volunteers Sharpshooter: I've lived the Run of the Arrow!
- Blue Buffalo: [Blue buffalo has a warrior check O'Meara's feet and addresses Crazy Wolf] Is this the man that out ran you?
- Crazy Wolf: Yes.
- Blue Buffalo: [Addressing O'Meara] You are the first to outlive the Run. You will never die by the hand of a Sioux for this. Give him back his horse and everything else that belongs to him. I don't understand. you speak Sioux like Sioux not like a white man.
- Pvt. O'Meara, 6th Virginia Volunteers Sharpshooter: My teacher was Walking Coyote.
- Blue Buffalo: That poor renegade.
- [as Blue Buffalo says this ,O'Meara collapses and faints]
- Crazy Wolf: [Crazy Wolf checks on him] He's sick with the fever!
- Blue Buffalo: [Addressing the village] Our law prevents us from killing any man who lives the Run. But we have no law to help him live. The choice is yours. Who among you will help him thru the night?
- Yellow Moccasin: I will. I will help him thru the night.