Vincent Price credited as playing...
Mr. Scratch
- Mr. Scratch: Then, came the red man, fighting for his very survival and the white man determined to take away this so-called god-given heritage, used the foulest of methods. Rather confusing, don't you think?
- Mr. Scratch: Flatterer, maniac, rapist, pervert, matricide, arsonist, bigamist, and sometimes accomplished musician and singer for all social occasions.
- Mr. Scratch: I like bloodshed. But, when it comes to revolution, man hasn't always been as moderate as he was in North America. Take France, 13 years later, nobody would've dreamed the country was bankrupt, the courtiers giggled and made love.
- Mr. Scratch: This is the court of Nero. Evil and depraved. Whose debauchery and perversion surpassed even the wildest and wickedest dreams of the most deluded. And this is Nero. Nursed on a witch's venom, twisted by endless orgies, this madman knew no end to violence, no limit to lunacy.