1 review
¨The man who wagged his tail ¨ is a sensitive story proceeded in simplicity and delicacy by Ladislao Vadja .This is an entertaining fantasy shot in Brooklyn and Spain and not released in the United States until 1961 . It deals with a moral fable blending fantasy and reality ; taking place in a N.Y. streets , at Brooklyn zone built in Chamartin Studios, Madrid with magnificent sets by Antonio Simont . The film tells how a despotic slumlord and advocate (excellent Peter Ustinov)that has embittered their tenants, mostly Italians, then he is become into a dog as the result of a spell by a hag and cast upon him . But the abandoned dog is picked up by a kid (Pablito Calvo , always dubbed by the same woman) . In order to be back to his human form , he must be loved by someone. In spite of his attempts to be love and to the search to get the affection of any person ,the dog alienates his only friend and must try to redeem himself.
Third film in the trilogy with the child Pablito Calvo and directed by the Hungarian Vadja for Chamartin Production Company . This a sensible and feeling movie full of mirth , drama , humor touches, and enjoyable message based on a screenplay by also Hungarian Istvan Beffekky and adapted by six writers as Ugo Guerra and others . It turns of be an awesome film but inferior to masterpieces ¨The Bait¨and ¨Marcelino Bread and Wine¨ . At the same time the film gives us a nice panorama about Brooklyn life , the citizens , their sacrifices , pities and goodness ; furthermore, men at work , children playing , companionship and various situations happen in the slum's existence . Its perfect developing resides on superb characters well played by whole casting and the sympathy, simplicity of Pablito Calvo . Special appearance by prestigious Spanish secondaries as the great Jose Isbert , Enrique Diosdado , Isabel De Pomes , Carlos Casaravilla , Julia Caba Alba , Juan De Landa and many others . Musical score by Bruno Canfora responds appropriately to the ambient, originating a careful atmosphere . Precious and luminous cinematography by Enrique Guerner (Vadja's ordinary) who give us an accurate ambiance of the times is developed . This motion picture is a Co-production Italian-Spanish directed by a Hungarian settled in Spain , well realized by Ladislao Vadja , born in Hungary, he's author of top-notch movies , such as 'The Bait', and 'Cord of prisoners', and three with Pablito Calvo as 'Uncle Jacinto'( with Antonio Vico) , ¨Marcelino Pan Y Vino ¨and this one . In my opinion this is one of the best films to come out of Europe in the decade of the 50s .The picture touched the hearts of numerous spectators around the world . Rating : Above average for its worthwhile mingle of drama , comedy , sentimentalism and good feeling .
Third film in the trilogy with the child Pablito Calvo and directed by the Hungarian Vadja for Chamartin Production Company . This a sensible and feeling movie full of mirth , drama , humor touches, and enjoyable message based on a screenplay by also Hungarian Istvan Beffekky and adapted by six writers as Ugo Guerra and others . It turns of be an awesome film but inferior to masterpieces ¨The Bait¨and ¨Marcelino Bread and Wine¨ . At the same time the film gives us a nice panorama about Brooklyn life , the citizens , their sacrifices , pities and goodness ; furthermore, men at work , children playing , companionship and various situations happen in the slum's existence . Its perfect developing resides on superb characters well played by whole casting and the sympathy, simplicity of Pablito Calvo . Special appearance by prestigious Spanish secondaries as the great Jose Isbert , Enrique Diosdado , Isabel De Pomes , Carlos Casaravilla , Julia Caba Alba , Juan De Landa and many others . Musical score by Bruno Canfora responds appropriately to the ambient, originating a careful atmosphere . Precious and luminous cinematography by Enrique Guerner (Vadja's ordinary) who give us an accurate ambiance of the times is developed . This motion picture is a Co-production Italian-Spanish directed by a Hungarian settled in Spain , well realized by Ladislao Vadja , born in Hungary, he's author of top-notch movies , such as 'The Bait', and 'Cord of prisoners', and three with Pablito Calvo as 'Uncle Jacinto'( with Antonio Vico) , ¨Marcelino Pan Y Vino ¨and this one . In my opinion this is one of the best films to come out of Europe in the decade of the 50s .The picture touched the hearts of numerous spectators around the world . Rating : Above average for its worthwhile mingle of drama , comedy , sentimentalism and good feeling .