Toivo Pawlo credited as playing...
Police Superintendant Starbeck
- Police Superintendant Starbeck: Dr. Vogler, in our town's chronicles you advertised a performance promising all manner of thrills: "Sensational marvels never seen before. Magical acts derived from the philosophies of the Orient. Health-giving magnets, and spine-tingling thrills for the senses." Is that your announcement?
- Tubal: [cutting in before Vogler can respond] Sir, these ostentatious formulations, offensive to any educated mind, are not the work of Dr. Vogler's hand.
- Dr. Vergerus, Minister of Health: We'd be grateful if the doctor himself would answer the question.
- Tubal: Mr. Vogler is deprived of the gift of speech. He is mute, gentlemen.