Charlton Heston credited as playing...
Steve Leech
- Steve Leech: You know, McKay, you're a bigger fool than I thought you were. And to tell you the truth, that just didn't seem possible.
- James McKay: [to Henry Terrill] But I wasn't lost.
- Steve Leech: And I say you were lost! What were you doing out there for two days and two nights? Just riding around for pleasure?
- James McKay: Mr. Leech, I knew exactly where I was all the time.
- Steve Leech: You're a damn liar. You were the lostest-looking thing I've seen in ten years!
- James McKay: If it's a fight you want, you've picked the right time for it, haven't you?
- [Looks around at bystanders]
- Steve Leech: Yeah, I'm offering you a fight. Or ain't that a nice word back east?
- James McKay: You're gambling, Leech. You're gambling that if we fight, you can beat me. And you're gambling that if you beat me, Miss Terrill will admire you for it.
- Steve Leech: Out here, we leave a lady's name out of an argument. But since you brought it up, let me tell you something. I think you took advantage of Miss Terrill when she was away from home. You look mighty big back there, but not out here. You're just not good enough for her, McKay. I aim to prove it, right here.
- [Raises fist]
- James McKay: You aren't going to prove anything with me, Leech. Get this through your head. I'm not playing this game on your terms. Not with horses or guns, or fists.
- Steve Leech: I don't know that I would wear that hat too long around here, Mr. McKay.
- James McKay: Oh, why not?
- Steve Leech: Oh, one of these wild cowboys might take it into their head to shoot it off ya.
- Steve Leech: [Wakes up and lights match] You're lost again?
- [Lights lantern]
- Steve Leech: Huh?
- James McKay: [Nods] Just like before. I'll be leaving here in the morning, Leech.
- Steve Leech: Oh... Yeah, I would figure, McKay. I don't know why you thought you had to come say goodbye.
- James McKay: Goodbye that I have in mind will take a little more room than we have in here.
- Patricia Terrill: How could Jim do a thing like that to me? He must be lost by now.
- Steve Leech: Yeah, that'd be a real sure enough shame. Now, wouldn't it?