Born Reckless (1958)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
Rodeo star Kelly Cobb (Jeff Richards) and singer Jackie Adams (Mamie Van Doren) team up to head across the country getting into various rodeo contests to win money. Usually Cobb takes a beating by not only the bulls but the various men who are constantly trying to get their hands on the sexy Adams. If you're looking for high art then BORN RECKLESS certainly isn't going to be for you but if you're looking for some fun, cheap "B" movie stuff then there's quite a bit here to enjoy. The screenplay really doesn't have too many brains working for it because we've basically got a ten-minute movie that just keeps repeating itself over and over and over again. In fact, we basically have the same thing happen meaning that Cobb and Adams arrive in a new town, he tries to win money, she gets hit on and he has to fight the guy hitting on her. This here is basically the entire movie and it's funny that the screenplay didn't try anything but instead just kept this format going throughout the picture. I really didn't mind the repeat business because it was rather funny seeing all of these guys putting their hands all over Van Doren who would then try to get away only to have to be rescued. I'm sure some might see this as rather sexist entertainment but it's at least got some campy charm to it. Richards and Van Doren don't offer excellent performances but they're good enough for a film like this. The two of them share some nice chemistry together, which helps keep the film moving. Arthur Hunnicutt nearly steals the picture as the sidekick who always has something funny to say. The soundtrack includes a decent song from Tex Williams and Van Doren also gets to do about four different numbers but none of them are memorable. BORN RECKLESS isn't a classic but I think fans of the actors should enjoy it even with all the silly stock footage.