Renee Houston credited as playing...
Sara Monday
- Sara Monday: [Introduces Jimson to Dicky] This is Mr. Jimson. He's an artist.
- Gulley Jimson: Since when?
- Sara Monday: [to Dicky] You've never seen a real artist before, have you?
- Constable: [Dicky sticks out tongue to Jimson]
- Gulley Jimson: You've got the right idea, son. Why don't you bite me? That's the way to treat strangers. Make them respect you.
- Sara Monday: Oh, Gully. God bless you. You don't throw a woman's weakness in her face. You know how God made us. That's the funny thing about you. You know about women.
- Gulley Jimson: When it comes to a wife, give me a woman every time.