John Agar credited as playing...
Capt. Tom Arnett
- Col. Catlett: If Olmstead is alive, there is a chance the enemy may find ways to make him talk.
- Capt. Tom Arnett: The old brainwash!
- Col. Catlett: Exactly.
- Col. Catlett: Tanya Nikova... you knew her quite well?
- Capt. Tom Arnett: A little more than casually, sir. I owe her my life.
- Col. Catlett: And, uh, she can be trusted?
- Tanya Nikova: Eef eet had not been for ze var, I vould not haf met you, und ve vould not be here now.
- Capt. Tom Arnett: Yeah, I guess you're right. But there's something better that the war can do for us.
- Tanya Nikova: Vat's dat?
- Capt. Tom Arnett: End.
- Tanya Nikova: Oh, Tom. I hope ve both live to zee zat.
- Lt. Bill Claiborne: I'd feel a lot better if I knew what happened to Chick and the others.
- Capt. Tom Arnett: Why think about it? We all know what happened to him.
- Lt. Bill Claiborne: He was an offbeat character, but you couldn't help likin' the little schmo.