The story begins at Virginia Military Academy, where the students are apparently chosen based on singing ability, as Pat Boone, Tommy Sands and Gary Crosby are all singing friends. Their other friend is Dick Sargent...and his singing appears to be someone else actually doing the singing. I wasn't surprised by Boone or Sands...they are famous for their singing. But Gary Crosby is quite good and sounds a LOT like his famous father.
As for the plot, the VMI marching band has been invited to a Mardi Gras parade and Barry, Tony and Dick (Crosby, Sands and Sargent) come up with a money-making arrange for a date with a famous French actress, Michelle Marton (Christine Carère) with whoever wins the raffle...which is Paul (Boone). And, would you believe it, Michelle and Paul eventually fall in love and the studio want to play this up for publicity purposes.
The songs are all very pleasant and peppy. However, none are all that memorable. This is made worse by having a few too many songs as well. Trimming a few and perhaps getting one or two blockbuster tunes might have made the musical aspect of the movie work. Overall, I think the bests things going for the movie is the location shoot in New Orleans as well as Boone, who comes off pretty well in the story. Nothing especially life-changing or amazing, but a pretty decent time-passer.