Keenan Wynn credited as playing...
Harvey Franklin
- Colonel Leland: He's loose in Paris?
- Harvey Franklin: Well?
- Liz Baker: Well, everybody's loose in Paris.
- Harvey Franklin: Those boys up there are freezing their -- freezing. This is your chance to show them some gratitude. To make some American soldiers happy.
- Harvey Franklin: You're a big star now. You don't have to listen to me. But just tell me one thing. Who discovered you in the Argentine? On the pampas riding a jackass?
- Sandra Roca: Burro! It was a sweet, little burro.
- Harvey Franklin: All right, the burro. Forty miles from Buenos Aires and you had never even been to Buenos Aires!
- Sandra Roca: I'm sorry, Harvey, but I must go away and relax.
- Harvey Franklin: You can relax in Paris, dear.
- Sandra Roca: Ha! With a soldier alone? Oh boy, I can tell you have never been out with a soldier.
- Harvey Franklin: These are not ordinary soldiers. These are all scientists.
- Sandra Roca: Once I went out with a scientist, too. They are even worse than soldiers. All he wanted to do was examine me.
- Harvey Franklin: How did she get a cold?
- Liz Baker: Well, it's something that she caught.
- Harvey Franklin: What do you mean it's something that she caught?
- Liz Baker: Well, you know how those things are.
- Harvey Franklin: You are supposed to protect her, Miss Baker. If there is anything to be caught, it is your job to catch it.
- Liz Baker: Well, sir, Sandra is going to have a baby.
- Harvey Franklin: Miss Baker. I shall hold you personally responsible.
- Liz Baker: Mr. Franklin, no jury in the world would believe that.
- Harvey Franklin: What man in his right mind would take 20 years of hard labor - against a lifetime with Sandra Roca?
- Harvey Franklin: You see, in my business, we have ways of handling this sort of thing. Of course, it'll be a quiet wedding. But the way I'll manage it, they'll be more publicity than if they'd been married in Notre Dame Cathedral.