Paul Birch credited as playing...
Prof. Konrad
- Prof. Konrad: Perhaps this is a civilization that exists without sex.
- Lt. Larry Turner: You call that civilization?
- Prof. Konrad: Frankly, no.
- Capt. Neal Patterson: I didn't say anything to the Queen. I didn't want to put her on guard, but I'm beginning to think our being here is not an accident.
- Prof. Konrad: I'm afraid I must agree with you.
- Lt. Mike Cruze: What is that? What is that?
- Capt. Neal Patterson: The ray that destroyed the space station and knocked us off our course may have originated right here.
- Lt. Mike Cruze: Oh, come off it! How could a bunch of women invent a gizmo like that?
- Lt. Larry Turner: Sure, and even if they invented it, how could they aim it? You know how women drivers are!
- Lt. Larry Turner: [reacting to the Venusians and their ray guns] They speak English!
- Venusian guard: Go, go, go!
- Prof. Konrad: I believe we better accept the invitation
- Lt. Mike Cruze: Yeah, the way those shooting irons of theirs work, I'm with you, Doc.
- Blonde Venusian Girl with a Ray Gun: Bacchino. Bacchino!
- Lt. Larry Turner: Well, you heard what the babe said. Bacchino?
- Capt. Neal Patterson: You don't just accidentally land on a planet 36,000.000 miles away!
- Prof. Konrad: It would appear that all things are possible in space.
- Prof. Konrad: I don't think they like strangers.
- Capt. Neal Patterson: I don't think they like men!
- Lt. Larry Turner: Yeah, where are the men?
- Prof. Konrad: It's monstrous! Will nothing keep you from going through with this?
- Queen Yllana: Nothing, Professor!
- Prof. Konrad: We don't know how fast we were traveling. Nor, how long we were unconscious. But, of one thing I'm sure of. This is Venus!
- Prof. Konrad: I watched her. Believe me, Captain Patterson, she only had eyes for you.
- Lt. Mike Cruze: That's it! Maybe Yllana has more on her mind besides military information. Neal, why don't you give her the ole romance bit? You know, give her that black magic.
- Capt. Neal Patterson: Queen Yllana?
- Lt. Larry Turner: She's a woman, isn't she!
- Prof. Konrad: Yes, remember the legend of Achilles heel. No one, man or woman, is completely invulnerable.
- Lt. Larry Turner: Now, listen, Skipper, maybe I'm the fella that oughta have all this romantic razzamatazz.
- Capt. Neal Patterson: Sorry. I don't think Yllana's your type.
- Lt. Larry Turner: What do you mean? If she's a woman, she's my type!
- Prof. Konrad: You know, there's a certain irony in the fact that our lives and perhaps the lives of everyone on earth may depend on Captain Patterson's sex appeal.
- Lt. Larry Turner: If she'd of only picked me. I'd get her under a tree with a full moon and all that romantic jazz. Do they have a moon on the planet Venus?
- Prof. Konrad: Yes, they have several.
- Capt. Neal Patterson: Is there any special reason for taking your friends along?
- Talleah: Yes. Because if we can't change the civilization here, I thought, perhaps, we can go someplace and start one on our own.
- Prof. Konrad: She's straightforward about it, anyway. I hope you realize, Captain, this leaves you with a grave responsibility.
- Capt. Neal Patterson: Well...
- Talleah: I'm sure that the Captain is dependable in everything.
- Lt. Mike Cruze: Well, what now?
- Prof. Konrad: My guess is, they want to look us over.
- Capt. Neal Patterson: That's fair enough. Larry's sure looking them over.
- Lt. Larry Turner: You're not foolin'. How do you like that blonde? Wow! Hey Mike, how'd you like to drag that to the Senior Prom?
- Lt. Larry Turner: Why do you suppose the Queen and her counselors wear those masks?
- Prof. Konrad: I'd assume for the same reason that Oriental potentates made their wives wear veils.
- Lt. Mike Cruze: Oh, you mean so the hoi polloi can't take a peek?
- Prof. Konrad: Something like that.
- Lt. Larry Turner: Brother! They must be knockouts - judging by what there is to see.