Fri, Oct 23, 1959
When a dance hall girl is found dead near a Gurney Mills's cabin, the townspeople, led by blowhard O.K. Lassiter, are convinced that the simple- minded man is guilty of murder. Sundance is convinced his friend is innocent and tries to hide him inside his hotel until the circuit judge arrives to try him by jury instead of by lynch mob.
Fri, Jan 1, 1960
When a bounty hunter captures the man wanted for robbing and murdering three miners, Sundance agrees to allow the criminal to be locked in the Hotel de Paree's basement overnight. Little do the townspeople know, but the "bounty hunter" is really the owlhoot's partner, who has already collected the reward and now plans to rescue the criminal.
Fri, Feb 26, 1960
When Beartracks Conlon fails to return at the end of the trapping season, Sundance and Aaron travel to mountains to locate him. They find the old codger laid up in a cabin with a broken leg and agree to sell his belts for him. A greenhorn trader and a wily Indian chief soon teach the pair about the economic law of supply and demand.