- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: [as he runs off with what he believes to be a bag of gold nuggets] I'm rich! I'm rich! Ninety percent bracket!
- Bugs Bunny: [Bugs and Jaque are playing 21. Jaque hands Bugs one card]
- [looks at his card]
- Bugs Bunny: Can I stay on just one card?
- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: One card? Oh. Oh, sure.
- [puts down two cards]
- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: One ten and another ten makes twenty. Beat that.
- Bugs Bunny: Okay, I win.
- [shows Jaque his card]
- Bugs Bunny: Twenty one.
- [Bugs' card is a 21 card]
- Bugs Bunny: Har har, hardy har har.
- Bugs Bunny: [in a phone booth, pretends the phone rings] It's for you, B.J. Says she's Fifi from Montreal.
- [whistles]
- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: Fifi?
- [putting a "phone" to his ear that's actually a stick of dynamite]
- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: Hello, Fifi baby.
- [dynamite explodes]
- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: That Fifi... she's a blast.
- [drops to the floor]
- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: Ooh.
- Blaque Jaque Shellaque: Blacque Jacque Shellacque is roughest, toughest, muklukest Canuck in the Klondike!