Lilli Palmer credited as playing...
Kathryn Ward
- Kathryn Ward: You could at least thank me for the gift.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: What gift?
- [He notices the wrapped box]
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: What time does it go off?
- Kathryn Ward: I never thought of that. Oh, maybe next anniversary.
- Kathryn Ward: Today, my former knight on a paper-mache horse, is the fourth glorious anniversary of our mutual divorce.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: Oh, well. Then the day isn't a total loss.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: You're all heart, Kathryn. Last year you sent me a large hot water bottle that snored. The year before that, you published my love letters in Look Magazine. You know, I might just marry you again to stop all this nonsense.
- Kathryn Ward: Oh, my analyst wouldn't hear of it.
- Jeremiah MacDonald: [Holding up his bottle and glass] Root beer!
- Demetrios Bacos: How's that?
- Kathryn Ward: Man is trying to get off ginger ale. He's having withdrawal symptoms.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: Business slow?
- Demetrios Bacos: Popcorn's holding up.
- Jeremiah MacDonald: Did you ever stop to think what you owe the American Indian for inventing corn?
- Kathryn Ward: [Handing Russ a drink] And I always thought you invented it, dear.
- Kathryn Ward: He doesn't believe in age. He's the only person I know who's been reincarnated while he's still alive. He'll never grow up. That's awfully hard to take in a husband.
- Jeremiah MacDonald: You wouldn't want to try it again, I suppose?
- Kathryn Ward: Never! I wouldn't go through eight years again for love or money, or both.
- Jeremiah MacDonald: Wish I could believe that.
- Kathryn Ward: Wish I could too.
- Kathryn Ward: [after the maid carries a large birthday cake with many lit candles to the table] I didn't tell anyone, darling, because I know you wouldn't want to embarrass them into bringing expensive gifts.
- Jeremiah MacDonald: Looks like the Chicago fire.
- Demetrios Bacos: [as Ellie looks quizzically at all the candles] There must be a hundred candles on it.
- Kathryn Ward: Now, Demi, don't be ridiculous. There are only 51.
- [She look at Russ]
- Kathryn Ward: Sorry, dear, that's all we had.
- Kathryn Ward: [Walking to Russ and Ellie sitting on a park bench, she sits beside them] Oh, Russ, how this tree has grown. It was only a sapling when we first came here. Perhaps I should explain, Ellie. This used to be our bench.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: Do you remember? There's a curfew in Central Park for unescorted women.
- Kathryn Ward: How many first night mornings we spent here, Russ and I, holding hands and sitting on our reviews so we'd be on top of the world.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: Do you think it's safe being out here alone? You might easily get stabbed.
- Kathryn Ward: In fact, Ellie, it was on this very bench, exactly where you're setting now, that Russ asked me to marry him. Actually, I asked him... I even tried to buy the bench once, imagine. City wouldn't sell it. Seems Basil Baruch used it in the daytime.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: It's a long, cold ride to Long Island. Don't you think you oughta get started... dear?
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: It's been a long time since I kissed you, but...
- Kathryn Ward: Now don' start getting sentimental. I'm just here protecting my alimony.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: What right did you have to gamble my money on my play?
- Kathryn Ward: Well, I thought it was my money. At least that's what the judge said.
- Russell 'Russ' Ward: But risking it on a bad script from an alcoholic has been, on... a secretary playing her first lead, on... a producer who should have retired years ago? You were insane!
- Kathryn Ward: What a wonderful, refreshing sound. Modesty.