Kenneth More credited as playing...
Capt. Scott
- Captain Scott: You're the first American woman I've met. Are they all like you?
- Catherine Wyatt: Why? How do I seem?
- Captain Scott: Well, shall we say a little bit more independent than most?
- Catherine Wyatt: Is that the tactful English way of saying you think I'm pig-headed?
- Captain Scott: "Be thankful you're living and trust your luck, march to your front like a soldier."
- Catherine Wyatt: Who said that?
- Captain Scott: Man called Kipling. Another tea-drinker.
- Catherine Wyatt: Are you sure about Mr. Van Layden? I mean, won't you get into a lot of trouble if you're wrong?
- Captain Scott: Wouldn't you like to see me drummed out of my regiment? Paraded before the troops? Medals torn off my manly bosom? I used to think that would be just your cup of tea.
- Catherine Wyatt: They don't really do all that, do they?
- Captain Scott: Well, of course they do! And my best friend calls on me in my quarters, hands me a loaded revolver and says, "Carruthers, its the only way out for a gentleman."
- Lady Windham: Where's Mr. Van Leyden?
- Captain Scott: He, uh... he got off
- Lady Windham: He got off... oh, dear!