Nick Adams credited as playing...
Tony Walters
- [Tony is driving Jan home; he pulls the car over and starts kissing and groping her]
- Jan: [she shoves him away] Oh! Tony, please!
- Tony Walters: Jan! You're so... so primitive!
- Jan: [he leans into her again] Oh! Tony, control yourself! Remember, you're a *Harvard* man!
- Tony Walters: [she shoves him away again] Not tonight, baby; I'm on vacation!
- Jan: [he leans into her again] Oh, stop it! You're only 21!
- Tony Walters: I dig older women!
- Jan: [she tries slapping his hands away, to no avail] Oh! I've never seen a boy with so many *arms* before! Tony, so help me, I'm going to tell your mother!
- Tony Walters: [pause as he gets off her] It's your word against mine.
- Jan: [he leans into her again; she shoves him away and raises a clenched fist] Look! I've never belted a Phi Beta Kappa...
- Tony Walters: Okay, okay, I'll take you home...
- Jan: Okay.
- Tony Walters: ...if you promise to stop and have one drink with me.
- Jan: [looks at him sternly] *No*.
- Jan: [he leans into her again] Ah! I'm certainly in no condition for *this*. Now, will you *please* start this car?
- [Tony grins as he starts the car, and proceeds to take her to a nightclub]
- [Tony has taken Jan to a nightclub; he's drunk while she hasn't even touched her glass. Sitting at the table next to them is the other end of Jan's party line, Brad, who she's never met]
- Tony Walters: Come on, come on, drink up. You're still on your first one.
- Jan: Tony, your mother is going to be terribly worried about you. Now, what do you say I *pour* you into a cab and send you home?
- Tony Walters: You know something? You are being very uncooperative.
- Jan: [rolls her eyes] Oh...
- Tony Walters: Ah, come on, Jan!
- [Brad overhears this and starts eavesdropping]
- Tony Walters: Finish your drink! It's very nourishing!
- Jan: [pushes her glass towards him] Will you please stop trying to get me drunk?
- Tony Walters: Drunk? I'll have you know a Harvard man *never* resorts to getting a woman drunk. Except in an emergency. And *you*, Ms. Morrow...
- [Brad's eyes go wide and he realizes who the woman Tony is addressing is]
- Tony Walters: ...are an emergency.
- Jan: Tony, I want you to get the check and let's get out of here and I mean it.
- Tony Walters: No. I categorically refuse.
- Jan: Alright. You can stay 'til AA comes for you. *I* am leaving.